Jealousy - 16

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THAT video is hilarious I'm sorry!😂😂😍
It's "Left Brain Right Brain" by Bo Burnham







Immediately, two string arms engulfed me from behind, and I nearly melted when I turned around and saw Mark's cute smile.

"Oh my god, you have no idea how painful those months were without you!"

I chuckled, clinging to him; I never wanted to let go again.

"Oh, I think I know. I was in a hospital for 2 and a half months, lonely and without your handsome face to cheer me up!"

A grumble came from behind me, and a boy looked away in disgust.

"Get a room, bloody hell."

Wait, I thought to myself. That voice sounds eerily familiar. Mark frowned at him, but a smile soon tugged at the corner of his lips.

"Why don't you get a life?"

I smiled with him, but when we pulled away and I finally got to steal a glance at the boy, my smile widened.


He looked me over; recognition crossed his face as he got up to give me a hug.

"Sean! Hey, sorry bout Hunter, Jax, and Noah. They're douchebags. Anyway, good to see you! Sorry I was so rude...I didn't recognize you at first...God, the green hair!"

I waved him off, laughing.

"Don't worry about it! Oh, Max, this is my boyfriend. Mark, meet Max, my friend from Ireland."

Max smiled nervously, clearly intimidated by Mark's build and height.

"U-Uh, hi...."

Mark held out his hand, flashing him a warm smile.

"Hi! Nice to meet you, Max! Sorry...for uh, the comeback."

Come on, Max! He's fine! He's not bad, he's a fookin' sweetheart.

Reluctantly, Max took Mark's hand and shook. Though, there was a new spark in his eye as him and Mark exchanged smiles. Does he...? Oh, come on Sean, stop being over-protective! What am I?


"It was cool meeting one of Sean's old friends. I'm sure I can now call you one of my friends, now."

Do I seriously feel that the friend I trust the most, whom I've known since I was 4, loves the person I've been with for more than 3 months?

"Alright, Max, when did you arrive?"

"Just yesterday. I'm here to register into this school. I already got my schedule."

He pulled a slip of paper out of his pocket, showing it to us.

6:30-7:25  Math 2
7:25-7:40  Play practice
7:40-8:00  Band
8:00-8:30  History
8:30-9:30  Meteorology
9:30-11:00  Study hall
11:00-12:00  Lunch
12:00-12:30  Art
12:30-1:40  Language Arts 3
1:40-2:00  Tech Ed

"Hey, You and I have 5 classes together!"

Mark chuckled, not noticing me cross my arms and grunt.

Okay, it's clear that I'm jealous. What the hell, Sean?!

"Um, I'm sure you've got to get back to your performance practice, right Mark?"

He looked at me and his eyes widened.

"Shit! You're right!"

Pulling me into a hug, he mumbled 'bye' and kissed the top of my head.

"See you at lunch, babe."

Hear spread through my cheeks, and I thought I heard Max snap something under his breath.

Look, I love ya bro, but back off.

And I mean it.


DAMN looks like it was love st first sight for Max, huh?

Too bad Mark's taken.


What if Max finds a way..?

FIND OUT! NO SPOILERS FOR YUUUU😂👾😂😂😂🤓😋🍪🍪💩💩👌🏻👌🏻👍🏻👍🏻😆🔫


BAI MY LOVELIES!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😘😂😂😂💩👌🏻

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