Storm - 17

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Prepare for the next-official-chapter-that-wasn't-here-before-I-unpublished-this-book

WOO! It's about time, huh?



At lunch the next day, it was more awkward than usual.

Max had decided it was just automatically okay to sit with us. Especially to sit next to
Mark and talk non-stop about our school.

"It was just super boring! Oh, and our, they were messed up."

Max laughed, not even realizing the conversation Mark and I were having with only glances.

Max is clearly annoying you, my look said.

Yeah, well, I don't want to be rude, he shot back.

After a few minutes of this, we finally started to hear silence.

"Um, were you guys even listening?"

Max huffed and rolled his eyes.

"You're that kind of couple, huh?"

Mark shook his head and let out a chuckle.

"You mean the kind of couple that is so caught up in themselves that they have no friends? No, we're definitely not that kind of couple."

I nodded in agreement, causing Max to flash me a glare. What was that for? I thought. I just agreed with Mark, is that such a bad thing? I frowned and twirled my milk carton, hearing the chocolate liquid slosh around. Mark noticed my uncomfort towards Max, and excused us from the table.

He pulled me by the collar of my shirt, out into the hallway.

"What did he do to make you so quiet and shy? You're like, rarely even like that."

I sighed.

"I agreed with what you said, and he just gave me this dirty look like he owned you. Which is definitely not true, and it will never happen."

He chuckled and grabbed my hand in his. Butterflies swirled in my stomach, and the smallest hint of a smile tugged at the corners of my lips.

"Alright, fine. I'll hang on a little longer. But if he starts advancing-"

"Sean, I know you won't let him do that."

I nodded, puffing out my chest.


With our entwined hands held high in the air, I walked back into the cafeteria. Immediately, everyone cooed and 'awed.'

Except for Max.

The look on his face was absolute fury.

When we sat down, Mark pulled his tray from across the table and over to me, where he sat; instead of next to Max, which pissed him off. Ha, suck it, Max.

"'s Sam?"

I casually ate my food, watching him carefully. He swallowed a comeback and thought for a moment.

"Well, I'm still keeping in touch with her. She's still pretty upset about you leaving."

I tensed. What happened with us more than a year ago was to never be mentioned again, but here Max is, bringing this shit back up.

"Samantha can go jump off a cliff, or something."

Mark looked at me curiously. Don't ask, don't ask...

"What happened with you guys?"

God damnit, Mark.

"Oh, Sean and Sam-"

I scowled, stabbing my fork into the gross-looking mashed potatoes.

"It's Jack, to you."

Max frowned.

"Fine. Jack and Sam were dating, but the day before he left he found her making out with some college kid behind the school. She tried to apologize, but he was too busy beating up the kid. Sam pulled him aside and let the college kid go, and she let certain words slip from her mouth that clicked something in Jack's mind."

Mark looked at me sympathetically as I turned my gaze towards my old table. Signe and Ken were the only ones there now, since Felix and Cry were placed in in-school suspension.

I huffed and stood abruptly, smacking my hands against the table and leaning towards Max.

"Listen, you bitch. When I saw you in that lobby I was excited. I finally had a friend that I've known for all my life. But then you started making googly eyes at my boyfriend. I won't accept that. When you're done being a douche bag and you stop telling people all about my personal life, then maybe you can try to talk to me again. Wait- Me and Mark."

I pulled on Mark's wrist and we both dumped our trays, ignoring Max's frustrated glances.

Just then, before the swinging doors shut, Max's voice echoed towards us with a stern tone.

"You better watch your back, McLoughlin. A storm's coming, and you're about to get swept away."


What Storm?!!!

Find out next on Wmur news 9


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