Crisis or change?

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"Crisis: a stage in a sequence of events at whichthe trend of all future events, especiallyfor better or for worse, is determined;turning point." -

I'm going through a crisis. Not a "my life is going downhill" crisis. It's more of a "when am I going to find myself" crisis. I feel my values and morals changing. Is that good...? Am I changing too much? Why has my mind suddenly hit to this change of thought that I wouldn't have thought of. Is this my time of change that every angsty punk teen goes through? Will I be the same person? I don't want to hurt anyone I love with the changing of myself. What if I don't want to change? Is change inevitable? That's an important question that lingers in my mind. After further google searches it seems that change is inevitable. Why? I don't know my simple mind is too tired to read the rest. I've had some good change. Getting more confident with myself, surrounding myself with people that don't make me suicidal, cutting out the one person that made me suicidal without me noticing, my writing has hanged and evolved into something new. But what if this change is bad change? I'm scared of change. I want things to stay constant in my life. Well except somethings, like I don't want to wake up and eat the same thing for breakfast or wear the same thing I wore the previous day, or watch a show to the point where I lose interest. I still want to wake up and lie around in bed until I force myself to get up. I still want to get bored so I slam my guitar around. I still want to have the love of my life in my life until I die. Am I my own greatest fear? Maybe I'm just completely overthinking everything, as my mind tends to do.

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