Dear anxiety...

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Dear anxiety,

    I'd like you to stop. You know what you're wand I'd like you to stop. I'd like you to stop overthinking the little things. I want you to stop fearing fictional events that I know won't happen, like anytime I don't feel normal I think I'm going to die, but you make them seem like they could. I want to feel human again.  I kind of want to ask for things. Can you stop making me ask other people to order my food or ask for some help? It'd be greatly appreciated. I want to sleep, not be up at 2 am crying my eyes out because I fear a dream that I just had will become true and my life will become a living hell. I know you're going to be here all my life, but could you not be so constant? Sometimes I love you, you stop me from making choices I'll regret endlessly. Other times I hate you, you stop me from living my life, it just turns into your life. I'm like a marionette puppet. I'm under your control sometimes. I want to be under my own control. I kind of conquered you by performing on a stage, but you came back. I kind of conquered you when I asked the girl of my dreams out, but you came back. I wish you were gone, but you're kind of my safety blanket. If you could tone it down on how constant you are, that would be great.

Yours truly,
The brain you live in

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