Dear anxiety... again

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Dear anxiety,
Here you are again. Will you ever leave? I know you love me a lot, I somewhat love you, but I would like to live a normal life ya know? Why do you make me overthink little things? I love you because you probably hold me back from doing too extreme impulse decisions, but I hate you for making me fear literally everything that happens. "Oh your throat hurts? Yup you have strep throat and are going to die." "Oh you hit your knee on a pole? Your knee is broken,shattered, you're going to die." Why do you make me focus on death? Do you know my depression? Do you guys hang out at the bar on your free time and attack me when you guys are working? I mean like depression is already constant so I'd like you to stop hanging out with them. It'd be greatly appreciated. You can stay with me, but like... will you chill with the constant house party. You're like the annoying college kid that is always having a party and I'm the neighbor that lives next door and is really tired of your shit.  You'll never leave, I don't want you to, but please, I'm begging... turn it down.
The landlord of the brain you live in

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