Chapter Ten

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I'm in love with the two new covers citied made for me! Thanks so much! You are truly talented!

Just a reminder! If anyone wants to make a cover for Coffee Shop, you are more than welcome to! Once you do, just private message me and I can give you the information to be able to send it to me!

I will automatically upload it to a chapter with a dedication to you, and several thank you's.

Chapter Ten

The next morning, I don't even bother getting out of bed when I wake up. I don't even want to think about confronting Casey and Jordyn.

God, I was such a bitch to them.

After a while of just laying in my bed, I begin to not be able to stand it, so I manage to give myself enough of a pep talk so I can go out and face them.

When I get out there, they're both sitting at the island in the kitchen, eating waffles. I notice the third plate sitting there with waffles and sausage and I slowly walk over to it and sit.

We sit there for a minute in complete silence before I finally decide to break it.

"I'm sorry about last night, it's just-."

"Your parents, we know," Casey interrupted without even so much as a bitter tone in her voice. I don't get how they can forgive me so easily. It's crazy.

The two of them smile at me and we all eat in a comfortable silence, the tension in the air completely gone now. I don't understand how they do it, but I'm glad they do.

"So, about that date?" Jordyn asked after we were all done and when I just finished loading the dishwasher.

I didn't really give it much thought last night because all I could think about was how they wouldn't ever forgive me for my coldness last night.

But I guess it wouldn't be that bad if I went.

I mean, I hope it's not that bad.

Before I psych myself out, I respond.

"I'm in."

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