Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five

I wake up with dread all over. Today is the first day of my last semester of college and I really do not want to go.

I sluggishly get ready and try to make myself look presentable for the long day ahead of me. My first class starts at nine and my last one starts at four.

Jordyn and I ride to campus in my car and it takes me a minute to finally find a parking spot, and when I finally do, I do a little mental victory dance.

Parking sucks at college.

I head to my class and when it starts, it finally hits me that this is it. My final semester.

It doesn't feel real.

When my day finally ends, I head to my car and drive back to the apartment. No one is home when I get back and I can only assume they're both at work.

I don't even bother doing anything else but heading into my shower and washing the day away.

Once I'm finished, I get dressed into some old but comfortable clothes and head into the kitchen to grab a bite to eat before heading to my room.

As I lay down on my bed, my phone starts ringing and I pick it up to find Brendan is trying to video chat. I decide to answer it and see he's in his apartment with a smile on his face.

"How was your first day?" He immediately asked, making me groan in response, "that bad, huh?"

"I'm so tired," I muttered, rubbing my eyes for effect with my free hand. He laughs and proceeds to urge me to tell him everything.

I manage to, and he tentatively listens, which makes me feel warm inside.

Soon enough though, he tells me to get some rest and that he has a few things around his apartment that he has to take care of tonight.

"Good night, love you."


Did I just say that?

As soon as I did, I hastily ended the call before I could even see his reaction. I can't believe I just said that.

It must have just been out of habit because Alex has been calling me a lot more here recently and we've managed to work through our issues and have a more sister-like relationship.

It had to be, because we've only been dating for a few weeks. I mean, we only kissed once and that was last week. We've only seen each other twice since then and that was at the coffee shop when he came during the week.

Oh my God, I am such an idiot.

I cannot believe myself.

I'm never leaving my apartment again.

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