Author's Note

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I hope you all thoroughly enjoyed Coffee Shop!

Thank you for taking the time to read Alice and Brendan's story.

And if you read the previous version, I hope you liked this new version. Let me know if you did!

I hope my story brought a smile to your face at some point, because that's my ultimate goal in writing. 

And remember, you're all free to message me anytime you want, whether it be to talk to me about Coffee Shop, writing in general, life, covers, etc. I love hearing from you guys because talking to you always brings a smile to my face. 

I love you all, and I hope you come back to read any other books I might post in the future.

If you didn't catch that hint, I totally have a couple ideas in the makings right now. 

Again, I hope you enjoyed my book, and thank you for reading.

I wish you all the best,

I wish you all the best,

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