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"Kiss me on the mouth and set me free

Sing me like a choir

I can be the subject of your dreams

Your sickening desire"

-"Bite" by Troye Sivan

Silver blades hiss as they collide with the frozen water. Such a hiss usually goes unheard.


This isn't where Otabek usually skates. Otabek doesn't usually skate for this long. Otabek doesn't usually skate when it is cold out. He doesn't usually do the above because he is a smart man. He is a smart man that knows that his skating career isn't something he should risk his health over.


Otabek isn't usually this tired. He isn't usually this angry. He isn't usually this frustrated.


Otabek isn't his usual self. Every spin he attempts, every time he jumps, there is a flaw. He spins too fast. He spins too slow. He over-rotates. He under-rotates. He trips. He falls. He slides face first across the ice. All the while, the birds laugh at him. All the while, the wind pushes at him.

He skates so long that his body feels as though it is on fire. He shouts for so long that his throat grows dry.

He falls so often that his knees become bruised. He falls so often that his gloves become ripped and ratty. He falls so often that his blood seeps through the cuts in his gloves, staining the ice below him.

Despite that, despite all of that, he doesn't stop. If anything, he skates harder. If anything, he skates faster.

Spin. Jump. Fall. Repeat.

Spin. Jump. Fall. Repeat.

Spin. Jump. Fall. Repeat.

"You're an idiot."

Spin. Jump. Fall. Look.

Otabek, who had thought he was alone at the often forgotten pond, is surprised to hear someone speak. Not bothering to stand up, he lifts his gaze from his bloody, trembling hands to who is speaking to him. The only thing he sees is snowflakes.... Perfect, pure white snowflakes that tumble from the sky and land on his face. "I'm bad at skating and I'm going crazy," Otabek mutters to himself, "Fantastic."

The voice from earlier laughs.

The voice from earlier shouts.

"Go home! At his rate you're going to get frostbite."

Wonderful. He is still hearing things. He really must be crazy. Otabek attempts to ignore the voice in the hopes that it will go away for fade.

Spin. Jump. Fall. Repeat.

Spin. Jump. Fall. Repeat.

Spin. "GO!" Jump. "HOME!" Fall. Repeat.

Spin. "GO!" Jump. "HOME!" Fall. Repeat.

Spin. "GO!" Jump. "HOME!" Fall. Repeat.

Spin. "GO!" Jump. "HOME!" Fall. Slide. Stop.


/Updates might be slow until I finish up a few fics on my main account./

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