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"You can coax the cold right out of me

Drape me in your warmth

The rapture in the dark puts me at ease

The blind eye of the storm"

- "Bite" by Troye Sivan

Otabek is dead. Or at least, he feels dead. He can't recall ever feeling as cold as he does now. He can't recall ever feeling so numb, so weak...

It all changes quickly.

Something warms him. Or rather, something seems to be sucking the cold out of him. The cold races from the tips of his toes, to his chest, until it escapes out his mouth.

It feels strange.

If feels like nothing he has ever felt before.

Part of him, wishes it would never end. But it does. It ends so quickly... With warmth slowly creeping back into his body. Just what has happened to me?

The warmth makes him feel alive.

The warmth makes him feel alive, yet makes him sleepy.

He shouts into the darkness. He shouts as loud as his lungs allow him. "Wake up! Find out what happened!" His eyes, that feel as heavy as his pet husky, refuse to budge. As time flies by, he finds himself growing desperate. He finds himself repeatedly shouting. He finds himself repeatedly begging. "Wake up! I can sleep later! Please wake up!"

The warmth makes him sleepy, but he fights it.

He fights harder than he did to convince his parents to allow him to take skating lessons. He fights harder than he did to stay upright during his first ice skating lesson. He fights harder than he did when he entered his first competition. He fights harder than he did to prevent himself from crying as he loses his first competition, and his second. He fights harder than he has ever before.

His eyes open. Well, they open a crack. A crack that allows his to see the bright flames of a fire and... And a pale face. A pretty face. A face that looks so perfect that it doesn't look human.

Perhaps it isn't...

As the face moves, or rather the creature moves, a new thing enters his limited vision. The new thing that replaces the face is wings.

Shining, translucent wings.

The wings reminds him of a butterfly. Did he get saved by a giant butterfly? No, there is no such thing as giant butterflies. However, fairies are real. Or rather, they might be real. After all, he could be dead. Or he could be dreaming, or hallucinating.

"C-cold," he whispers. He isn't actually cold. He feels quite warm and cozy. He wants the fairy to talk to him. He wants the fairy to pinch him. After all, the classic pinch test is a great way to tell if he is dreaming or not.

Almost immediately, musical laughter rings throughout his ears. "How are you still cold? Most importantly, how are you still awake? You humans sure are strange." Otabek can hear the sound of shuffling before feeling something land on him. Something soft and light... A blanket. The fairy covered him in a blanket. "Don't worry, I'm going to warm you up more. That is, I'm willing to warm you up more as long as you promise not to kill me."

"I promise," Otabek mumbles, with his sleepiness threatening to overtake him.

To Otabek surprise, the fairy laughs again. "You sound like an idiot, talking while you're barely awake. I have a feeling you meant what you said though." Even further to Otabek's surprise, the fairy lays down next to him. "If you're that tired, just sleep. I wouldn't help you just to kill you. You've got nothing to worry about"

"You're the one...?" Otabek is so tired that he is barely able to move his mouth. "How? Why?"

"You're awfully talkative and curious for someone who was practically dead just a few minutes ago," the fairy remarks. "You should be sleeping right now."

"You..." Otabek can feel himself crashing. "What... Name? I... Otabek."

"I'm Yuri," the fairy replies with surprising hostility, "now sleep! Don't make me regret saving your sorry ass!"

Otabek, by some miracle, falls asleep within seconds.

Yuri, by some miracle, does the same.

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