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"Aah, I'm pulling on your heart to push my luck

Aah, 'cause who's got any time for growing up

Kiss me on the mouth

Kiss me on the mouth

Kiss me, kiss me on the mouth and set me free

Kiss me on the mouth and set me free


-"Bite" by Troye Sivan

Otabek can feel Yuri's soft lips brush his cold hands... His rough hands. Even though Otabek knows Yuri is healing him because he wants to, he can't help but feel bad. Because of his carelessness, Yuri has to heal him. Yuri has to heal him by sucking the cold out of his body. Yuri has to kiss him to heal him. He's had to kiss him on the lips, and now he is kissing his hands.

Yuri seems like the lone wolf type. Yuri seems like the type that wants as little physical contact as possible. Yuri must find having to kiss him annoying. Hell, Yuri must find kissing him disgusting.

Otabek lets his mind wander. Or rather, he tries to. It is hard to think or feel anything. That is, it is hard to think or feel anything that doesn't have to do with Yuri. Yuri, with his white clothes, pale skin, and fair hair could easily be mistaken for an angel. His wings also add to the angelic look, even though they are the wrong shape.

"I know this is probably the worse time to ask," Otabek says in a soft voice, not wanting to startle Yuri who is likely focused on healing his hands. "But when you heal me by sucking the cold out, where does the cold go?"

Yuri stops healing him to answer. However, his gaze never leaves Otabek's hands. "It goes into my body. Once it is in my body, I can redirect most of it and have it go into the air."

Otabek can tell he is hiding something. Otabek has a feeling that whatever he is hiding is important. "You said most... What happens to what's left? Does it just stay in your body? If it so, does it hurt you?"

Yuri stays silent for a moment. "It stays in my body," he replies, in a whisper. "It tends to linger in my chest, near my heart. Having a little cold won't hurt, but if I get a lot..." He lets his voice trail off. Otabek can't blame him for not wanting to talk about his own potential death.

"Maybe you should stop," Otabek responds in a whisper of his own. "You've already saved my life. You've already made my hands feel a lot better. Stop and I'll have a doctor treat the rest. There's no reason for you to continue to heal me and put yourself in danger. You don't owe me anything, Yuri. I, however, owe you everything."

To his surprise, Yuri bursts into tears. "Just let me do this! If I had obeyed nature and let you die you wouldn't be in so much pain right now. It's my fault you're suffering. It's my fault, it's my..." His crying becomes loud, making it difficult for him to talk.

Otabek's heart aches at the sight of Yuri crying. Otabek hates to see people cry. He especially hates to see kind and compassionate people cry. "It's not your fault, you silly fairy," Otabek assures him. I'm the one that was treating my body like it was expendable." Otabek moves to hug Yuri but settles for having his arms linger just an inch away from him instead. Otabek isn't sure Yuri would appreciate being hugged... He isn't sure if a hug would hurt Yuri's wings.

Yuri surprises him once again. Yuri leans forward, making the hug happen. Yuri not only leans forward so Otabek's arms are now wrapped around him, but he hugs Otabek back. "You're pretty smart for an idiot," Yuri mumbles into the fabric of Otabek's jacket.

Upon hearing the compliment-insult combo, Otabek chuckles. "Thanks, I think." Otabek lets a beat of silence pass before saying more. "Is there a way we can counteract the cold in your chest? If you can suck the cold out of me, maybe you can suck the heat out as well. Ignoring my hands, I actually feel pretty warm."

"I could but I'm not doing it," Yuri responds, still talking into Otabek's jacket. "If I suck too much out it could kill you."

"Then let me go to a human doctor," Otabek responds, with a small sigh. "Work with me, Yuri. Don't insist on doing everything by yourself."

"Human doctors can't help," Yuri grumbles, "Only I can."

"Then make a deal with me, Yuri. Let me help you. Once I help you, you can help me."



It's been two years.

It's been two years since Otabek's near death experience.

It's been two years since Yuri saved him

It's been two years since thei've come friends.

It's been one year since they...

"Not that I don't appreciate the life-saving kisses," Otabek says, "but I appreciate these kisses better." Otabek and Yuri kiss. The kiss doesn't involve heat or the cold. Instead, the temperature is neutral. The temperature is neutral, making the kiss feel natural.

"Don't worry," Yuri responds with a laugh. "I feel the same way." 

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