rant that's gonna make me cry

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i'm gonna cry writing about this.

a lot of people do this but...

at parties with my father's friends, i will and stay anti-social. (i'm always at a party because me and my sibling are a ticket for my dad to leave early.)

so when i'm writing this, i will be at a party for New Years.

a crap ton of adults asked me if i'm hungry.

i say the following (in vietnamese, obviously)

"no thanks."

"i'm fine."

"i'm okay."

"i already ate."

"i'm not that hungry."

but they just won't leave me alone!

if one of you people find me, i will be always wearing earbuds.

and this scenario will always happen to me.

i will be in between two middle aged woman, ranting about their goddamn problems.

then, this will happen.

they will look at me and look up and down.

i feel uncomfortable as all hell.

then, i see them pointing out my flaws.


i know i have a lot of acne for an average preteen (that's because of my hot sauce addiction)

i know i pluck my goddamn eyelashes and look weird (i'm in FUCKING THERAPY FOR THIS.)

but just let me be.

stop gossiping that katie and tom's daughter (my parents american names) looks fucking retarded.

because i see you goddamn people rarely and i don't believe any of your bullshit.

but i will believe that what my mom, my friends, my family says to me.

(by friends i mean my friends irl and you guys.:))

"you know i love you."

"you're beautiful."

"don't change because someone tells you your flaws."

"your body is perfect."

and i look at myself.

"i like myself."


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