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    A/N~ Hmmmmmmmmmm...  Will there be a cross reference in this?  No one knows!


       A new day, a new start. A new piece of work that I have to do... I sighed, pondering the possibilities of a break.  I suddenly hear the speakers crackle to life.  I sat silently waiting patiently for the announcement.

     "Hello?" The voice over the intercom asked, "Is this thing working... ah. Hello everyone, Happy New Year's Eve. I hope you've all had a wonderful year at the C&R. I trust that you've all been working at your utmost performance. I hope that you plan on returning to work on the second."  (Just imagine Jumin's voice here :3)

     Huh?  New Year's Eve is today?!  I scrambled to the calendar. It is!  I'm pretty sure that I got a bit too  excited, but I have my reasons.  Usually around this time, I get to have a small break toout watch some of Zen's plays that I caught on tape!  I heard a knock at the door, so I quickly checked. No one.  Why would anyone even think  to waste my time, and "ding dong ditch"? Or, in my case, a "knock and ditch" sort of thing. My thoughts were interrupted by a sharp pain on my finger.  I glanced down, and saw a paper hanging on the door... oh and of course, a paper cut.  I closed the door and read the guilty paper responsible for the laceration.



WHEN: Right now

WHERE: The lounge

WHY: It's New Year's Eve

SENT FROM: Jumin Han


     I stared blankly at the paper. ( What I'm doing at the screen right now D:) An "Annual New Year's Eve Party"?  Since when did we ever  do that?  Hmmm... doesn't matter, I'd better start heading over to the lounge.

                                           *LE TIME SKIP CAUSE HALLWAYS ARE BORING*

      I entered the lounge, suprised too see that I was the only one there.  I awkwardly sat myself down and waited for all the other guests.  During that time I looked around, inspecting every detail of the lounge.  It's funny that this "party" had no décor nor cooks.  Finally the first guest, after me, came.  I don't really know her name, but she seemed to be the wild party animal type.

      "Hi there!  What'cha doin'?"

    I groaned and tried my best to not  cover my ears from the high-pitched talking.

     "Umm... Waiting?" I replied, "What department of the company are you in?  I haven't seen you around before, are you new?"

     "Oh! I'm in the entertainment business, I don't work here.  But, the name's Avera.  What business?  Pink Pie of course!" She giggled, "It's a self-owned company.  Hey!  Since I told you my name, why don't you tell me yours?  It'll be easier if we ever work together someday!"

      "My name is Jaehee Kang, but plase, call me Jaehee." I said, immediately going into thought afterward.

        Hmmm... Pink Pie?  I've heard of that company before.  Apparently it's very popular but how does she do it alone of all things?

Of Coffee And Cats (Jumin x Jaehee)Where stories live. Discover now