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   Hey guys, it's skittle.  Lately, I feel like no one has been enjoying any of my stories, I don't even feel proud of Adrift anymore which got ranked #721.  I also have writers block and I don't feel any encouragement at ALL.  Actually, I've never been encouraged in my life, sadly enough.  I was actually  planning on publishing a story called "On my Side of The World",  which was going to be lightheartedly sad/dark I don't know... do you guys like my stories?  Do you want me to change my style?  Do you guys want me to stop writing dark stories?  I just don't know anymore... please, give me an honest opinion of what you think about my work.  Should I stop writing all together?  I do find my works pretty cringy...  but please, give me suggestions and/or your opinions...  thats all for now...

     Falling apart,

Of Coffee And Cats (Jumin x Jaehee)Where stories live. Discover now