Parachutes: Trouble

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A/N Yes this is really happening and I'm so sorry it took this long to get here. But look finally here it is "Trouble". This is a long chapter ( longer than "Yellow") so get comfy. I hope you enjoy and I'll see ya at the end.


"Are you ok in there?" I hear Valerie ask through the door. She was making omelets for our breakfast this morning while I made the bacon and potatoes, when all of a sudden I felt nauseous. I ran back to the bathroom and threw up immediately. Great just my luck I get a stomach bug just hours before going on a mini holiday with Chris.

"I'm alright love. I must have a stomach virus or something."

"Could it be your cycle?"

"Maybe, I am a bit more off than usual."

"How off?"
I'm terrified to tell her. But she and I don't keep secrets. She even knows about me and Guy. I feel bad because she's keeping it from Jonny.

"2 1/2 weeks" I say staring at the floor unable to make eye contact.

"I thought you got your's same time as mine 3 weeks ago?"

"No I was stressed from school and had a bad chocolate and spaghetti feast."

"Oh no, you and Chris aren't pregnant are you?"

"No we haven't done anything yet remember?" Now I'm starting to get really annoyed.

"Well then it must be a virus or something. I hope it doesn't spoil you holiday with Chris."

"I hope not either."
We both go back to the table. I eat the potatoes I cooked and drink some ginger ale from our fridge, because both help the stomach.


Chris and I each only have one class today. In my class my stomach ached a bit, but it wasn't too bad. I went back to the student housing flat that I shared with Valerie and some girls named Jill and Hillary.

"Hey roomy" Hillary said bustling through the door with grocery bags and my cousin in tow behind her.

"Hi Hillary, do you two need some help?"

"No. that's alright thank you. You need to relax so you can feel better for your trip with lover boy."
I didn't realize she knew I was ill earlier. Maybe she heard me tossing my baskets.

"It's no trouble really."

"That's alright beloved cousin Jill spotted me and brought the rest in."

I see Jill walking in with tons of bags. I'm always so pleased at all we can buy when we let Hillary our resident mathematician do our house budget. She actually says she likes doing it.

"Well thanks all of you for handling the shopping."

"Here I picked up these for you and Chris' train ride." Jill says with her adorably raspy voice.

"Where did you find flaming twigglets and chocolate covered twigglets in one bag? That's so cool and weird. I can't wait to try them."

"Great! Not until your stomach is better though." Jill replied.

"How are you feeling by the way?" Valerie asks with a very worried look.

"My stomach isn't really bothering me much at all. I don't feel nauseous or anything, since this morning. Just every now and then a little pain."

"Well I hope it's not one of the big p's. Either your period or you're pregnant." Hillary says as she bites into a crisp. Everyone started laughing. Even me, but I was trying to hide the fact that I was worried. What if something's wrong and I mess up this trip? Chris is trying so hard to make it wonderful. Hillary and Jill went back to snacking while putting the groceries away and my cousin walks over to me and gives me a hug.

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