So what? Were liers

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Random fact about me: I like too sing.

Lucys POV

I ran.

I took off deep into the woods, hopefully no one woke up. Once I got far enough I stopped at a big tree probably in the middle of the forest.

I closed my eyes trying to clam down my racing heart rate. I just need to calm down, I ran far enough they couldn't have possibly caught up.

I was laying back against the oak tree finally starting to settle down, when I felt fast wind rush past my right ear. I looked over at the tree and see a red bullet in the tree.

I yank it out of the tree and stand holding the bullet up in the air "I will give you five seconds to show yourself." Why do I make bad decisions? Now they have a clear shot of me.




"Fo-" I duck to the ground as another bullet was shot towards my head.

Yep I called it.

I look up to see Natsu, step out of hiding. "W-where did you come from?" I could see a smirk plastered across his face.

"I woke up as soon as I heard the door click, and opened it to see you running." I look over at his ar-15 gun, he follows my eyes to his gun.

"Oh This? I had it by the door just for this reason, I still can't believe you left your friends, just so you could 'escape'." I stand up brushing the dust off my outfit.

I did escape....only thing is I got HIM.

"I was going to come back for them, don't act like you got me all figured out, no one can figure me out, not even my friends. Half the stuff I say to them are lies."

"So your a lier?" Again with him thinking he knows who I am.

I walk over towards him, I am now standing right in front of him "it's not only me, it's my friends as well. I can see it in their smile, their laugh, even their tears! So don't try the whole 'your easy to figure out' crap. Cause not everything is what it seems."

I look up at him to see he is frowning? Suddenly I felt something wet roll down my cheek I reach up and felt tears. no I can't cry. Not here. Not in front of him.

He-he can't see like this, I -I have to do it.

I grab him by this jacket (Media) and pull him closer until I reach his shoulder! A minute later I felt his arms rap around me.

He's so warm! "Lucy why are you hugging me like a little child does, when scared of going up to Santa clause?"

"Shut up, and hold me." .... I did not just say that...... I am losing my mind.

A couple minutes later we pull apart, with him still holding on to me and me in his arm, I look into his eyes.

I lean closer.



"You know that, you and your friends have to come with us now. The deal is broken." I stiffen at his words, sending me back into reality.

Crap he knew I was making trying to escape as soon as he leaned forward to kiss me!

Wait the deals broken?

"What does that mean Natsu?" Please don't be bad for me and my friends, please don't be bad for me and my friends.

"That you girls have to come with us peacefully. Meaning no fussing, cussing, spitting, or hitting, especially not hitting or kicking in the below region."

I turn around in Natsu arms looking at how he won't let go. it's worth a shot. I backed up into his arms a little bit and ran at his arms "charge."

Ok that didn't work, I was about to try again, but I felt Natsu lift me up!

I am being roughly carried by a Natsu, this is just not my lucky day.

His shoulder is really hurting me right now, That's it! "Natsu" I heard a hmp sound. Why does he have to be so annoying?

"Put me down now! I am a normal human being and can walk on my own two legs!" He grabbed me like he was about to set me down, as I was reaching for the ground, yet I never reached it.

Now he's princess carrying me!

"You know this is really awkward, when you carry me!" He looked off into the distance? What is he doing?

"Natsu, repeat come in Nat-" he placed a finger over my mouth

"Be quite." He whispered as I am removing his finger from my mouth I get shot.

"AHH-" his hand covers my mouth as I scream. He runs off into the woods as I cry the tears roll onto his hand while he carries me.

"Luce , Luce, wake up, I am going to make out with you if you don't wake up right now! " my eyes shot open, he can not be serious, I sit up to see we are in a treehouse?

I was laying on the cold floor, because the tree house is too small for furniture, but not for a bunch of small things.

I look at my arm to see I have been shot and the wound hasn't been cleaned yet. "Natsu, do you have some water here?" He nods and walks over to a bucket in the corner, he reels it down and when it comes back up there is water in the bucket.

He hands it to me and I rip the sleeve off my shirt dipping it into the water and applying it to where I was hit.

I grunt as I feel the clean water touch my wound. "Ah, that hurts" Natsu looks over at me like he's in pain from hearing my pain he grabs me and take me out of the tree house.

"Where are we going Natsu?" He sets me down harshly. "Dang Luce when did you get so heavy. Anyways we are here." I look out and see the beautiful river, ignoring the comment he made.

I take the water in my hands and splash my face with the water getting all of the dirt off and rub it on my arms my hands. I feel so much better.

His phone beeps, he glances over it and looks back up to me "Lucy we have to leave now, we are going with the original plan, but you only have a day to pack and say goodbyes." I nod and we leave the tree house and river.

We run back to the cave and see everyone heading to a truck? "Where's MY CAR!" I saw levy giggling, along with Ezra.

I never would have thought Ezra would laugh at me.

"Lucy we had to get rid of it stop asking dumb questions." I looked at Natsu, and gave him the 'you-got-to-be-kidding-me-look.'

"Natsu my car!?" He shrugs "Get over it Lucy."  I stop for a minute then get in the car.

Natsu and gray sit in the front seats and everyone else is going in back if the truck.

I sit next to Juvia behind the window, as levy and Gajeel sit on one side of the truck and Ezra and Jellal sit on the other side.

I coming home soon Father.


Might do someone else's POV next chapter.

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