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"Rozelle!" My voice echoes through the mall.

No answer.

"Scoo-lee-ooo!" I call for him.

I look around to see if he heard me.

His fucking phone died and that nigga is my ride. I'm ready to leave.

"Scoo-lee-ooo," I hear.

My eyes lock on Rozelle.

I stick my tongue out.

My nigga got my call!

"Haha!" I laugh out loud as hell.

I start milly rocking and Rozelle start Harlem shaking.

"Ahh!" He yells back.

I make my way to him and slap the fuck out his neck, just because.

"My phone died," He says.

I knew that.

I suck my teeth.

"I figured."

He pulls out a random chicken tender and takes a bite in slow motion like I can't see his ass. I take it from him.

"Where did you even get this from?"

"My pocket," he answers.

What bruh? I was expecting a restaurant name.

I finish eating it.

"Shit good as fuck, gimme another one," I demand while chewing.

Rozelle, literally, unzips the side of his coat and hands me a tender.

Oh no!

My stomach clenches as my body gets consumed by happiness.

"Oh god, it's real!" tears start rolling.

He's the best.

"Here. I know you fuck with honey mustard," he says in his deep ass voice.

I look down and this nigga is really handing me a baby container of honey mustard. I just start bawling. I hand him my bags and take it from him.

"I love you nigga," I say as tears roll down my face.

I do. He could make me happy when I'm the most mad. That's my brother.

My phone rings.

As soon as I look at I answer. I stuff the chicken in my mouth.

Yes, I got his number. I was just like yo, blah blah, here you go, gimme yours.

I smile to myself.


"Hey, I'm buying us food today. What do you want?" Cody asks.

This friends thing is better than I thought it would be. I do have to stop myself sometimes though, it's making me fall for him harder.

"For real? Look at God," I laugh.

Cody fell asleep in my bed and I just wanted to climb in and wake him up with Lil Big Damon.

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