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I slap our papers on the front desk.

"Look a here Billy," I get up in the dorm directors face.

He holds himself.

"It's Bucky," he says and stank faces me.


"You shoulda fucking stuck with Billy," Tacoda says to himself.

Ha! This dude got jokes.

The corners of my mouth almost turn up, but I stop them.

It was funny, but fuck this little nigga.

Everything is supposed to be all find and dandy, but the vibes stay getting screwed up.

"Bucky," I correct myself.

Who named you? I'm a sophomore and I still can't remember his name.

"What's this," my voice cracks a little.

I clear my throat. I hear Tacoda laughing at me. I growl in frustration on the inside.

"What?" He asks while leaning back in his chair.

Little feminine fuck, just like this one standing behind me. At least Tacoda's  kinda cute.

I pick up the paper.

"Tacoda and I," I try, but I'm interrupted.


I glare at him behind me.

"C-o-d-y, Cody," he continues.

Control, control.

I slowly turn my head forward.

"We are assigned to the same room. Third floor rooms are all single rooms so why the hell do I have to share with someone if I specifically signed up for a single room. Not only did I sign up for it but, that's my room I was in last year." I explained pointing to the paper.

He raises his eyebrows and forms an O with his mouth. He holds his hands out and starts shaking them.

"Well, how about I take these," he take our papers up with his manicured hands.

"I'll photo copy them and get back to you at the end of the week," he says.

"The end of the week!" Cody and I  yell.

"How the fuck."

"Oh hell nah."

Cody and I both say different shit at the same time. I'm really about to go off. It won't be pretty. I was about to put my foot in Cody's little ass in the, my room.

"What am I supposed to do. There's one bed, one desk, one everything," I try.

"But it's a bigger room," Bucky says.

Oh my goodness.

"I'll get them to put another bed in there. How about it," he says and starts writing on a sticky note.

"My scholarship says that I get a single room," I point out.

It surely does.

I feel Cody beside me. He leans on the counter and smiles at Bucky. We glance at each other and he rolls his eyes. 

"The last time I checked mine did too," he adds.

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