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I wake up and everything from last night hits me again. I can't wipe the smile off of my face.

I'm so happy. This nigga is actually giving me a chance.

We lay there with our legs tangled together, hugged up and naked as hell. I admire the rose pink marks I left on the areas I can see at the moment.

Cody shivers in my arms and I pull him closer to my chest. He doesn't even wake up, he just snuggles into me.

I can barely believe that we finally got to this point. Not just having sex, but to the point of us knowing how each other feels and us accepting how each other is.

Sex was still wild though.

Cody figured out my weak spot so fast I was like ah oh no.

I dig under my pillow and check my phone. I look at the time.


"Cody," I shake him.

He's gonna be late. It takes him forever to get ready.

He groans out and wraps his arm around me. I smile at him.

"Cody," I try again.

He just lays there, still fully asleep. I lean over and snuggle my face into the crook of his neck. I start kissing him and he groans again.

"Stop," he whines.

"Cody, its seven o'clock. You better get the fuck up," I laugh.

His red, tired eyes fly open.


I grab him.

"Chill out before you fall the fuck off of this bed. I'm not gone do shit but laughs at you," I laugh.

I sit up so he'll have room to do the same. He tries to sit up. He hisses out and pain and flops back on the bed.

I smile to myself.

Knew that.

I rub my eyes and look back at him. He turns around and pulls the covers up on his body.

"You're going to be late," I laugh.

"There's no way I'm about to go to class, fam."

"Why not?" I ask.

He makes me so happy.

He balls up in a fetal position and takes all the covers away from me. I lay back down on my side.

"How in the hell are you just gone steal all my covers away from me?" I ask.

He peeps up at me and lifts his covers up. He opens his arms out to me. I scoot under him him.

I look at him.

"Face red," I sing out just to tease him.

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