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"Another one, another one," they tell me.

"Go nigga! Go!" I hear and almost die laughing.

Best day every.

I take another shot of shine and start falling backwards. I bust my ass right on the floor. I laugh at myself.

"Shit," I say to myself.

"You too damn big to be falling out like that!" Ryan says.

"Yo, you good my nigga?" Bozelle asks.

"Yeah, I'm straight!"

He helps me up. I shake my head to get my vision right.

Fire as hell.

"Yo I'm fine bruh. I can deal," I tell him.

I really can. I have a good ass tolerance. My body just has to get its North Carolina flow back.

"Happy birthday!" People tell me.

I bow.

"Thank you mom fuckas," tell them.

They start laughing.

Wait, it's after twelve?

I feel my pockets for my phone.

"What wrong?" Bozelle asks as some girl sips out of his cup.

I pull out my phone. I flip through all the missed messages.


It's way after twelve.

I call Cody. His phone rings and rings and goes straight to his voicemail.

I try over and over, but there's no answer.

I start to worry.


I turn to Bozelle.


"What?" He asks.

"I'll be back," I tell him.

"Wait, where you going?" He yells.

"I'll be back, swear," I tell him.

I walk down the stairs and notice Veronica. I walk up to her.

"Yo, have you seen Cody," I kinda slur out.

She furrows her thick brows.

"No, I haven't," she says.

I look around.

Where is he? Where is he?

"Is he okay?" She asks.

"He texted me a while ago and I just saw the messages. He's not answering his phone either," I tell her.

"Well I don't know," she says while shaking her head.

I look around and walk up to random groups of people.

"Tyreik," I call.

"Yo Dam! Wassup!"

I ignore his greeting.

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