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          The pristine girl with her hair free and outfit all black, sat in the middle of the table, across from the known Malfoy family and many chairs away from the mass murderer, Bellatrix Lestrange. There were about two dozen people sat at the large table, preventing her from seeing the most feared man in the wizarding world, Lord Voldemort.

Silence was found at the dining room of the Malfoy manor, which was now used as headquarters for the Death Eaters. The only light came from the illuminating fire which flickered every so often.

Just then, a man appeared inside the house from walking through the long, over exaggerated corridors of the manor, looking at the floating body of Charity Burbage. It pained the girl, Rosalie, to see her, since she had known the girl from her Muggle Studies class, which the floating woman used to teach at Hogwarts.

"Severus," the voice of Voldemort spoke to Rosalie's old Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, "I was beginning to worry you'd lost your way. Come. I've saved you a seat."

All eyes were on the figure of Snape, even Rosalie's, who watched to see what he would do. Everyone did, because none of them fully trusted Snape, not even after he killed Dumbledore when the youngest Malfoy could not. Rosalie, though, wanted to make sure he took his seat and continued the silence unless he would be spoken to again by their Lord.

"You know our hosts, of course, Severus." Voldemort spoke, only addressing the man who had just entered the manor, "Narcissa in particular has been most hospitable. Lucius, on the other hand, is, I fear, burdened by my presence. Are you, Lucius?"

Rosalie gulped. It was as if the haggard man was put on trial, which must have been what the feared man wanted from his words. Lucius looked up before asking, "My Lord?"

"Are you burdened?" Voldemort asked again, in the same strained voice which Rosalie had grown accustomed to over her two years of meeting secretly with him and others in the ranks.

"My Lord is always welcome here," Narcissa went to answer before her husband could speak.

This interested Rosalie greatly, yet she already knew the answer to all her questions. Years ago, she could remember Lucius standing tall, glad to be as wealthy and as known as he was, but now there was only a shell of that man. A sad, scared shell which Rosalie could not blame him for.

Before her thoughts could continue, Rosalie felt the slimy skin of a snake, Nagini, as she slithered over all who were presents' feet. Voldemort did nothing to stop it, and she could almost feel that he was smiling at this.

"You bring news I trust, Severus?" Voldemort brought the attention back to the man who once taught a young Rosalie Potions, which she could mention was one of her worst classes.

"It will happen Saturday next." Snape replied in the same bored, monotone voice that he always used, "At nightfall."

"And this information comes -"

"-from the source we discussed." Snape finished before Voldemort could give away a name, not that it mattered to Rosalie seeing as she knew that this would be the truth. She also knew it was better that the information of the one this informant stayed between only a few people, knowing that the Death Eaters could be ruthless if they knew anymore.

Another wizard, Yaxley as Rosalie had come to learn, leaned into the table, letting the flickering light lay upon him. "I have heard differently, my Lord. Dawlish, the Auror, let it slip that the Potter boy will not be moved until the thirtieth of this month, the night before he turns seventeen."

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