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  It was night. The air was tense around her, but she didn't mind. She sat at the counter with Luna, the only one who wasn't walking on eggshells around Rosalie. The Allen girl thought that she didn't understand the seriousness of her situation, all that she had done, but she wasn't about to decline the company.

    She had a cup of tea in her hands, warming them. The cup was full, seeing as she hadn't taken a sip of it yet. It was made by Fleur, someone who was too kind to her, and Rosalie didn't deserve this cup made with kindness. It felt wrong, really wrong to take a sip of it. She hadn't earned that all.

    "You heard Ollivander. It's Harry's now," she heard Ron say. Rosalie assumed they were talking about wands.

    "But I hate that thing - that's the wand that killed Sirius! How can I hold it and not feel..." Hermione protested.

    "If I can hold it, you can," Harry answered her coldly. Rosalie sighed at that. Everyone knew what happened in their fifth year, what happened with Sirius Black. Everyone knew what happened that night in the Department of Mysteries, especially her. Voldemort had screamed at them for letting go of the prophecy and not bringing Harry to him. Even though Rosalie wasn't there, he still screamed at her.

    There was silence, she assumed Hermione took the wand. "How will we know what it is when we get in there? After all, a horcrux can be anything," she heard Ron ask.

    "I'll know. I can't explain. It's like..." Harry looked for the right words, "...they sing to me."

    Rosalie shivered, there was something off putting by his words. She looked at Luna, who didn't seemed fazed by this. Then again, Luna was never fazed by anything, she thought. She just quietly asked if Rosalie was going to drink her tea. And again, she found herself looking at the cup before shaking her head. She didn't deserve this tea made from kindness. She deserved a tea with poison, with anger...not this. This was too good for her while she was just rotten.

    "That's a bit scary," Ron murmured as Luna took the cup from Rosalie and began to drink it, even though she had just finished her own cup.

    "It is, Harry," Hermione agreed, "Did Dumbledore ever say anything to you, something that might explain why -"

    "No. I just know. When one's near," Harry cut her off. Rosalie felt more guilt. She thought she knew the reason. Her theory was never confirmed, but it was a pretty good one. She just hoped that she was wrong. Really, she did, because she didn't want Harry to die. He was good for the world, and maybe another part was because he was also too kind to her. Wait, no, it's not the time for feelings, Rosalie.

    As Rosalie looked at Luna happily drink her tea, there was a creaking of the floorboard. Panic arose in Rosalie as she sharply turned her head just to see Bill and Fleur, the latter of the two holding a long, black cloak.

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