New Girl's Point of Veiw

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Chapter Three

I walk up to Southford High, my new school. I look at my new Student ID card.


A rush of excitement fills my body. I'm about to walk into the school when I pause, and check my tote bag to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything.

Labtop. Check.

Clipboard with enrollment form. Check.

Makeup bag. Check.

Pencil bag. Check.

Notebook. Check.

Diary. Check.

Alright, I'm ready. I take a deep breath, hold it in, then release it as I walk through the doors. People are already crowding me. In all the people, though, one person's aqua green eyes catch my attention. They're beautiful. A girl with long brown hair owns them. She sees me looking at her, then feebly smiles.

Then she screams.

She falls to her knees and clasp her hands over her ears. No one goes to her. They ignore her.

"Oh my gosh!" I gasp, then push my way through the crowd. But when I'm that close to her, two girls and their friend parties block my way.

"Excuse me," I say politely.

"You don't want to help her," one girl says. That's when I notice that two of the girls are identical. Like clones. The one speaking has the same blonde hair and emerald green eyes as another girl in the group.

"Why not?" I ask angrily.

"Because. She's useless."

"No one's useless," I reply, a little angrier.

"Well she is," the other clone says.

"No, now let me through."

"What if we don't want to?"

"You have to. Move."


"Let me through!"


"I give you one more chance. Let. Me. Through."


At this point, I'm really mad. So mad that I call the clone a name that starts with "b" and punch her in the face. She screams, falls against a locker, and the Clone #1 and all the other girls rush to her. Clone #2's nose is bleeding. Big deal.

If they care about the clone getting punced in the nose, I think, why don't they care about her suffering? I silently call each of them the "b" word and kneel down to the brunette.

And she's suffering so much more than the clone.

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