3- Monster

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Jack's P.O.V.

The movie quickly comes to a close and I try not to move as I check on Y/N, wrapped up in my loose t-shirt and fast asleep. I smile, knowing that meant they felt safe enough to easily fall asleep on me. I hear cooing noises to my right, a couple "Aww!"'s and "So cute!" but spoken softly as not to wake up our new company. I wave at him to turn off the TV as I slowly pull Y/N off of my shirt, small unconscious frame gently curling up in my palm.

"I guess Y/N stays with me then." I say, chuckling warmly as I feel small hands wrap around my ring finger in a hug.

"I guess so, but no hogging!" Mark laughs (quietly) with me, before calling a goodnight as he left to his room. I wave as he leaves, before turning around and heading to my room, silently starting to think out how to sleep without hurting Y/N.

I slide them on to my pillow, changing into PJs before climbing on the bed as quietly as possible and delicately scooping Y/N back into my hand. I turn the light off with a soft click, and rest them on my chest.

"Good night Y/N." I whisper, feeling them cuddle into my shirt, before I fall into a warm comfortable sleep.


Your P.O.V.
You wake up warm, which is strange right off the bat. You hear a resonating heartbeat to accompany it, which makes you even more confused, but you're still mostly asleep. With no memory of the previous day, you stand up and stretch, rubbing your eyes before nearly falling backwards as you open your eyes.

You had slept. On. Jack.

Okay, this is fine, everything is fine. You try to calm yourself but it's very unsuccessful as the memories of yesterday come rushing back. His sleeping face did a little to calm your nerves and of course put a smile on your face, but there were more important things on your mind. Like how to get off of this bed without dying and without waking up Jack, cause you had no idea what time it is and you were not waking him up just because you felt like walking around. Carefully, you slide off the side of his chest, holding his shirt for support as you try to figure out the next step.

You cast another glance back to Jack, who continues to seem sound asleep, before turning back to the edge of the bed. It was an unsettling sight, you gave it that, being how small it made you feel and how uncomfortably far from the ground it was, but you were sure you could make it down. You grabbed a piece of sheet in your hand and gave it a tug. It held firm. It was the only thing that went down to the floor, it couldn't be that hard to climb down it right? You got a second hand hold, and got ready to start your descent, before you feel a warm pressure on your back. It spreads around your waist before a hand gently lifts you off the bed (thankfully leaving your arms out this time) as Jack's face fills your view, the smirk on his face comfortingly wide.

"And where do you think you're going squirt?" He asks playfully. You shrug, beaming in response. It was so hard not to, His smile was so... infectious! (*cough* adorable *cough*)

"You think you're soooooo funny!" You retort, crossing your arms, though you can't manage to get the grin off your face. He grins back, sitting up and setting you next to him. You stagger back a few steps, looking down at your feet. The sheer size of everything was one thing you'd probably never get used to. Jack's grin turned guilty as he looked back down at you, standing up and kneeling in front of the bed, eyes now level with you.

"Ugh, I'm sorry, I keep forgetting about how huge we must seem to you..." He apologizes. You shake your head, looking into his wide blue eyes with a trying smile.

"No, don't worry, it's okay! I... well I can't say I understand, but I know you wouldn't purposely hurt me, I just need to adjust." You reassure him, taking a confident step toward Jack, smile firm on your face.

Tiny! A G/t Story (Tiny!Reader x Jacksepticeye x Markiplier) [COMPLETE]*EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now