15: Argument- The Street

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A/N: Alright, one quick thing, don't question this alright? Places are difficult, and I thought this would be cool! Anyways, back to our regularly scheduled programming.

"Just, leave me on the street, I just want to go home!" You yelled at him as he grabbed you tightly around the waist, ignoring your quiet cries of pain. Opening a door that led outside, the sunlight blinded you , and you blocked your eyes with your arms, making the man chuckle.

"Have fun dying." The man said, amusement lacing his words as he dropped you onto the street. Scrambling to your feet, you looked around. The street was desolate, the sun beginning to set somewhere on the other side of this massive building, clouds floating aimlessly in the sky as you tried to find some shelter. You didn't want to be stranded on the street in the dark, so you made your way down the street, determined to get away from the building and find somewhere else to go before sunset. Suddenly though, you were lifted off the ground, warmth greeting your body.

"Look Mommy, I found a dolly!" You heard what sounded like a little girl. Your shocked face became a scowl. A doll? Oh god no. You were turned towards your captor, and it was... Pewds?!

"Oh wait, this isn't a dolly..." He said with a high pitched voice, mimicking the voice of a little girl. You could only shake your head in response, then moving to confusion. Why, how- obviously it showed on your face, because he smiled, opening his hand to let you sit, moving to walk down the street in the opposite direction.

"I'll answer your questions, just let me get back inside first." He said, rounding the corner of the building you had come from and opening a door you hadn't seen, walking inside. He sat in what looked to be his living room and held you at chest level in his palm.

"So, you're Y/N?" He asked. Questions piled in your mind, and you just stared kind of dumbfounded before blurting:

"Yeah, but first off, how do you know about tinies? Secondly, why do you know me? I mean, I know you, but-" That was where you were interrupted, which you understood, because you were starting to ramble.

"Let's start with those questions, because I know you have a lot. Tinies have always existed, they've just never shown themselves. I have two, but they're asleep, so I think I'll just leave them alone. Secondly, I may or may not have gotten a message from Jack, though he did miss something. He didn't tell me you were a bro! Anyways, I have a feeling they'll be happy to know I found you, let's go give Jack a call." He finished explaining himself, sliding you onto his shoulder and standing up, moving over to the side table to grab his phone.

Italics= Jack

"Hey dude! What's up?"

"Not much, just here at home with Y/N, figured I should call and let you know!"

Oh my god, that's a releif. You want me to come over there and pick them up?"

"It's fine dude, I'll bring them back, I haven't seen you in a while anyways. See you in, 15?"

"Sounds great, I'll meet you here."

"See you there!" Pewds said, taking the phone from his ear and hanging up.

"You ready to go?" He asked, now talking to you.

"Definitely" You responded, grabbing on to the edge of his sweater as he made his way to the door.

"Let's go then!" He said enthusiastically, opening the door.

I wonder how else things could've gone... XD, seriously though, go check out the other endings! Hope all enjoyed, comments are greatly appreciated, and as always:

Thanks for reading!

PJO out.

Tiny! A G/t Story (Tiny!Reader x Jacksepticeye x Markiplier) [COMPLETE]*EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now