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You woke up to see Mark say "Buh Bye!" In a whisper and then turn off his camera. He stared off into the distance for a moment before you sat up on Mark's sweater, turning Mark's head toward you. You smiled, waving lightly, and he smiled back, turning his chair to face you.

"Have a nice nap?" He asked, turning back to his computer and shutting it down.

"Yeah, yeah I did." You responded, stretching and getting up off of the make-shift bed. Mark finished shutting his computer down, and then turned back to you.

"Anything you want to do, before we go interrupt Jack in whatever he's doing?" He smirked, looking towards the door to his recording room, which was shut.

"Yeah, actually..." You started, choosing your words carefully.

"I was wondering, do you guys happen to have any doll clothes? I m-mean," you began to falter before Mark interrupted you.

"I gotcha. I have a box in my room, they were just there when we moved in. Not really sure why I kept them... oh well! They're coming in handy now, I guess." He chuckled to himself, getting up and opening the door before turning back to you.

"I'll be right back."

Mark left, letting the door hang open. You felt an urge to look around his desk, see what he had, but you didn't want to intrude. You looked over the edge of the desk, slowly peeking your head over the side. You saw the ground quite far away, so you figured trying to get down might not be the safest option either.

You figured the best idea was to wait. You didn't want to, but looking both left, and right, it looked like the best option. You sat down on the edge, letting your legs hang over, swinging forwards and back. He couldn't take very long, could he?

Jack's P.O.V.

I was just shutting down my computer when Mark came into my room.

"Hey Mark, what's up?" I asked, spinning my chair to meet his smiling face.

"Where'd you put those doll clothes you found when we moved in? I know you didn't get rid of them..." He said, trailing off.

"They're right here," I told him, grabbing a small box off of the shelf above my computer, handing it to him.

"For y/n I assume?" I finished, smirking as I got up out of my chair.

"Yeah, I'll go grab them!" He called, laughing as he realized what he just said.

"Literally!" I called back at him, laughing as well.

I watched as Mark practically burst into his room, and I heard a small yelp from Y/N as Mark scooped them up and brought them to the kitchen counter, setting the box of clothes next to them.

I gently took the top off the box, lightly setting it opposite the side Y/N was on as she peered into the box, standing on her tiptoes to see in.

"For me?" They asked, looking back up at Mark and I.

I smiled and chuckled lightly.

"Well Mark and I ain't gonna wear 'em, so of course!" I poked Mark's arm, and he poked me right back.

"Could I-" Y/N started, and I could see some pink starting to come into her cheeks, and they were cut off by Mark.


They smiled and nodded, probably happy that they didn't have to say much.

Mark went over to the cabinet, grabbing a cereal bowl and filling it wih warm water. I understood what he was doing, so I went into the bathroom, grabbing the soap and shampoo, before putting them back and grabbing the travel sizes instead. I smiled to myself, wondering how this was going to work as I grabbed a facecloth on the way out of the bathroom.

Mark already had the bowl set up as I put the stuff down.

"All good?" Mark asked, looking down at Y/N.

"Mark, privacy!" I shook my head at him as I realized Y/N had no way of covering themselves, so I ran to the front entryway, grabbing a cardboard box, cutting off the bottom with a pair of scissors, making an almost perfect sized room, tall enough so that they could have some privacy as well.

Jogging back into the kitchen, I grinned as I pushed the box of clothes closer to the bowl and set the strange room over top of everything.

Your P.O.V.

You saw Jack grinning as he set the cardboard room over you, the walls perfectly enclosing everything you needed.

"All good now?" Jack asked, still grinning while leaning over you.

You grinned back. "Yeah, all good!" You replied. You heard Mark from outside your room.

"We're gonna go then, just call us when you need us!" You saw a flicker of his bright red floof before Jack was pulled off into the living room.

The bath was quite nice, the travel sized containers being easier to handle that a larger one. You wrapped your self tightly in the facecloth, drying yourself off and then drying the floor beneath you.

Jumping over to the box, you were quite excited to see what was in it, so you pulled out everything one by one, putting aside things you knew you wanted to wear, and folding everything else and putting them in piles. There was quite a lot in that box, you were surprised, but it was quite a large box for small clothes.

Inside, you found a well rounded wardrobe, ranging from sweaters, to socks and sneakers! After you had gone through everything, you quickly put on your chosen outfit consisting of a plain light blue t-shirt, black hoodie, gray leggings, and some black converse.

After making sure everything was nice and neat inside the box, you banged on the side of the box, figuring that would get their attention better than straining your tiny voice to call out to them. You heard footsteps approaching as you began folding up the facecloth, setting it beside the bowl as Mark and Jack's faces came into view.

Jack glanced into the box.

"Wow, there's a lot of stuff in there, isn't there!" He thought out loud.

"Yeah, yeah there is." You replied, laughing a bit.

"What's so funny?" Mark replied playfully.

"Nothing, just that you guys really don't know how much stuff is in there. There's an entire wardrobe in there!" You motioned to the box, grinning.

Suddenly, Mark lifted the room away from the table, causing you to flinch a little, seeing as you had zero warning.

You saw Mark noticed, and instantly he said,

"Sorry, sorry, just, I didn't want to keep leaning over the room. Made me feel wierd." He smiled down at you. You nodded, smiling back. You saw Mark glance at the clock, looking back over at Jack, and asking,

"So, anyone hungry?"

A/N And that is it for today, dear readers! I hope you enjoyed!

Thanks for reading!

PJO out.

Tiny! A G/t Story (Tiny!Reader x Jacksepticeye x Markiplier) [COMPLETE]*EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now