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"This is gonna be fun."

So he had something in mind already. Alright, let's see what's up.

You waited intently as Jack plopped himself in his chair, almost toppling you off. He grabbed you as you slid off his shoulder, setting you in his lap as he loaded up his computer.

"So, what's up?" You asked, excited to see what he had in store.

"Not much," He said, shrugging as you settled in on his lap.

"Just excited to play some true or false!" He finished, glancing back down at you to make sure you were comfortable, and then continuing to ready his recording.

"Yes, gonna learn some very useful and completely random facts today, sounds good." You replied, crossing your legs in anticipation for the game, though knowing he wouldn't be able to talk to you.

"Alright, we're set, you ready?" He looked down at you, hand on his mouse, poised and ready to start recording. You smiled back up at him.

"Of course."

Mark's P.O.V.

My other research couldn't be true, could it? I mean, I figured there would be a way to make them larger, but I never figured it would be this hard. Jack would never agree to it anyways... would he?

I emailed the link to Jack, hoping he could make some sense out of it, and then tried to get it out of my mind, but failed miserably. I needed something to take my mind off of it, but what? had finished my recordings for the day, and judging by the yelling coming from Jack's room, he was on his way to it.

What needed to be done? Something must be able to distract me from it. I could go shopping, we did need groceries, and then I could see where to go from there. Yeah, that sounded good.

Getting out of my chair, I opened my door, stepping out into the larger room, cautiously approaching Jack's door. Standing next to his door, I could hear his shouting voice doing his outro, so I stepped away from the dor and waited.

A minute later Jack burst out, (y/n) sitting happily on his shoulder.

"Hey Guys!" I said, grinning as I followed them to the counter.

"Hey Mark, what's up?" Jack grinned back at me, taking (y/n) off his shoulder and gently setting them down on the counter top.

"Nothing much, I was just thinking of doing some shopping, what's up with you guys?"

"I finished my recordings for the day, and that's pretty much it. Just came out here to see what was up with you." He replied.

"Shopping?" (y/n) asked. That was a good point, one that I hadn't thought of, would they want to come? Because if they did, they wouldn't be able to sit on our shoulders like they did here, people would start questioning things. I had just figured I would go on my own and come back later, leave those two to do something. Thankfully Jack said something, seeing as I couldn't think of anything.

"Yeah, but it wouldn't be very fun anyways, seeing as you wouldn't be able to come out in the open." He said, looking down at them, and then back at me.

I nodded, agreeing. I figured it would better if they stayed here, and I could tell Jack thought the same.

"So, yeah, I'm gonna go do that, don't get into to much trouble guys!" I called as I walked into the entry way, grabbing my coat and opening the door.

You P.O.V.

You sat on the counter, watching as Mark left, then looking back up at Jack.

"So, anything you want to do?" Jack asked, leaning his back up against the counter.

"No, not really. What about you?"

"I might have something in mind." He smirked, and scooped you up in his palm, getting a small squeak from you as he carried you to wherever his destination was.


Woah, guys, 1k reads? That's amazing! Thank you all so much for reading! (Seriously though, I'm having trouble comprehending this!)

Once again, I hope you liked this chapter,

PJO out.

Tiny! A G/t Story (Tiny!Reader x Jacksepticeye x Markiplier) [COMPLETE]*EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now