Chapter 46

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 I was on my roof again.

I knew it was a lot more dangerous now that I didn't have to wings to catch myself if I fell, but regardless, it was my alone place. The only issue was that I wasn't alone.

"You can't do this," Vinny said in my ear.

I ignored him and took another pizza roll from the plate at my hip. I bit into it, letting the warm sauce serenade my tongue as I took in the sunset, the sky morphing into deep shades of blue and purple. I zipped my hoodie up in an attempt to preserve more heat; Vinny was, as usual, making the night temperatures chillier than normal.

I had to fight the feeling that I was doing something wrong; I'd expected to have Lucie in my arms by now, but I was counting on the fact she'd be where Dempsey was. What if I was wrong, however, and that's what he wanted me to think? What if, by waiting on tomorrow, I was just wasting time?

I wished I'd never gone to Eden's house. I wished I had Lucie.

Vinny made an exasperated noise in his throat. "Stop eating pizza rolls."

"No. I like pizza rolls."

"You said something!" exclaimed Vinny. "Good. I was beginning to think you'd become a mime."

I picked up another one of the tiny pockets of sauce and cheese and bread, examining it with narrow eyes. These things and mac and cheese cups were the only items I was capable of cooking; let's just say I would never make it as a chef. I cut Vinny a sideways glance. "Of course I said something. I had to defend my food."

Vinny grunted and rolled his eyes. "Just think this through, Cian. What do you think Dempsey's going to do, if he even shows? He's not going to smile at you and hand Lucie over along with some grocery coupons, or whatever."

"Why would he give me grocery coupons?"

"I don't know!" shouted Vinny. "I'm just...I'm just saying. He's not going to be easy about this. He's going to kill you!"

"Not if I kill him first," I remarked, scraping up the last of my snack. I exhaled into the indigo air, muttering a prayer in the back of my head. Please be okay, Lucie. You're the last person I want to lose. Going on without her would be impossible. "Besides, even if I do die, you move on. Have you thought about that?"

The plate, now empty, slid down the roof and catapulted off of it, crashing loudly on the ground beneath. I glanced at Vinny, wide-eyed, but he shushed me before I could say anything. His expression was deadly serious. "That's not I want. I don't want to move on until you've lived a long, proper life. If I wanted to move on, I wouldn't have begged the angels to let me stay after I died, Cian. I don't know why you still don't get it. So, for God's sake, for Lucie's sake, stop trying to make sacrifices for me. I don't need that. You don't need that."

I sighed, shivering. "I have to go, Vinny."

"It's not going to end well."

"It's the only way I'm going to come even close to finding Lucie," I murmured. "If it's a trap, I'll work my way out of it. It's the only way to go. You're either with me or against me, Vinny, but I'm doing this. I mean, the guy said so himself: I can't back down or there's going to be consequences."


"So?" I repeated in disbelief, glaring at my brother. "So, they're all wielders of dark magic. They can bend the rules, hurt you or even—even our parents. I can't have anyone else getting hurt because of me. I can't, Vinny."

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