|| Prologue ||

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There are two things a dream can do to you; dreams can be your destruction, or they can be your revolution.

I hear a boisterous crash from my sister’s room; she’s probably messing around with her stuff. I continue writing my short story in my notebook, hoping to be a published author someday. That someday will be when everything is perfect, and I won’t be teased for being a ‘nerd’ anymore. Evie, my sister, thinks that when I’m older my books will turn into major motion pictures, in other words, movies. I truly hope that dream will come true, for both of us. My parents think I should give up writing and focus more on school. They were already angry enough that Evie wants to be an actress, not a lawyer or something along those lines. They want me to become a doctor, how typical.

The sounds from Evie’s room start getting suspicious. I hear gasps of air and clattering of glass everywhere. I think she might be having spasms. There isn’t really anything wrong with her but she told me once that she might have depression or anxiety. She also said that I’m too young to understand what those things are. I promised her that I wouldn’t tell Mum and Dad, because she said they’d flip and take her to a mental institute (she also explained that I was too young to know what that was too). Now everything is silent and now I’m so suspicious to the point where I have to go check on her.

 I creep out of my room timidly because I shouldn’t even be up this late at night, unless I’m studying. I rattle the doorknob and realise it’s locked. I’ve got tricks up my sleeve though. I collect a bobby pin from my room and silently unlock the door. To my horror, the mirror is shattered and there are drops of blood on the ground. I skip over the pieces of glass to the bathroom. There are pills scattered all over the ground. I search for Evie and find her in the bathtub with her eyes rolled into her head. Her chest is still, like she isn’t breathing. Tears start forming in my eyes. I stick my two fingers down her throat, in case she’s choking on something but there’s still no sign of life in her. I press those two fingers against her neck, where her pulse is meant to be…

She’s gone. Dead.

I hold her lifeless hand and stare at her still bleeding wrists, purposely cut by the glass from her mirror. I couldn’t scream because I was afraid. I glare at myself in the mirror. My glassy, pale blue eyes raining.

Why did she do this to herself? Was it because of her friends at school disapproving of her dream? Was it some guy breaking her heart for some popular cheerleader?

I blame myself. She’s supported me through everything and never once have I been considerate enough to ask how she’s doing in her career. Mum and Dad have to know, no matter how much more they would disapprove of her. I walk shamefully out of the bathroom, only to slip on something, hitting my head on the tiles. I grab the thing underneath my foot. It’s a note from Evie.

To my dearest Misty,


I’m so sorry I left you. I guess this cruel world is too much for me. Don’t blame yourself for this. If you’re wondering why I did this, I won’t tell you because you’d probably guess by now. Tell Mum and Dad that I would’ve become a lawyer if they really wanted me to. The people at school said I was talentless anyway. I’m really in a better place now. You’re an amazing author Mist, one day you’ll be a queen of a fandom. Your dreams will come true and so will mine once yours do. I love you so much, don’t you ever forget that. Just make me one promise, Mist. This promise might sound stupid but I hope you do it anyway.

Being accepted is the best feeling ever. You can still be a writer, but in silence until you’ve accomplished. Only tell someone you know you can truly trust, that you want to become an author. Don’t turn out like me. I had no friends in school; even the other lonely people didn’t like me. I want you to be happy.


Lots of Love, Evie.


“I promise.” I sob while my teardrops fall on the crumpled paper.

From that moment on, I’m sworn to secrecy of her death and especially this letter. And my life would be a secret too, from anyone I’m close to.

Watch the trailer! It looks pretty corny but I promise the story isn't!

Author's note: None of this story is true. Some characters are based off real life people, but the storyline and the majority of the characters are figments of my imagination. Any similarities to other real life people (such as name or appearance of characters) are purely coincidental. 

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