I'm Already There- Chapter 10- Sarah's Birth

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(A/N: If you remember Joe died when he was 21 however I've changed the age to 24 because he would be 14 when they had Sarah and Jenny is younger then him by two years which would make her 12! Lol. She would be 16 and Joe 18) 

Yes, the night Sarah was born, I remember it well. I nodded in agreement with her. "Yes that  was a devastating night, although something good came out of it. my beautiful healthy baby girl" I remember it well, when I was carrying Sarah Joe and I both agreeed that we were putting her up for adoption, we were too young to start a family. 

We had our whole lives ahead of us, so we decided that it was best for her, to be raised propperly as we were both still children. Friday 16th Of 2007. (A/N: Random date) On the night Sarah was born, she was dangerously underweight and rushed into intensive care. 

"Is she going to be alright ?" I asked wanting comfort from Joe.

"I don't know, I'm not a doctor am I? Do I look like a docotor to you?" Joe responded, you could tell he was stressed, He sat down with his head in his hands. "Joe, baby what's wrong?" I aksed, generally curious considering everything was going to plan, apart from Sarah being underweight. He's head shot up and he looked hopeful. "Jenny... I-I've changed my mind... I want to um keep her. She is our baby and she is apart of us" Is he crazy? I'm sixteen years old, thats going to look good on my report. "Joe are you crazy? I can't look after a Child, I'm sixteen I've got my whole life ahead of me.  What about my friends? What about my mom she doesn't even know! What about school Joe. It's okay for you, your eighteen... you can take off when you want. I've seen it, when things get rough you take off" I shouted.

"You should have been on the pill"Joe answered

"You should have wore a condom" 

"You should have thought about all this before you opened your legs!"  

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