I'm Already There -Chapter 12 - Recapturing The Moments

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I left him there, with the responsibility of a child resting of his shoulders, what I burden to bear. especially for a eighteen year old who is just figuring out who he is. Thinking about it now, it seems so stupid, although I was not mature to handle the responsibility of a child. Joe knew this too as much as we both wanted to deny it. We both knew it was true 

 I left that night feeling satisfied however my heart told me otherwise. How could I leave an innocent child who has done nothing expect be brought into this world. How selfish of me.  "Honey" I heard my mother say as i snapped back into reality, I shook my head not wanting to recapture the moments. "It's getting later, what shall we do tomorrow?" 

"I don't know" I answered

"Remember the carnival that me and your dad use to take you when you were little" she began, I nodded my head "Why don't we take Sarah and Damon to it? I know they will love it, it gets them out of the house for a few hours." 

I smiled, the carnival i thought what amazing memories were made they when I was little. "Yes, that sounds like an amazing idea. Well I'm going to bed its been along day- well week" I  said chuckling to myself. 

"Night sweetie" 

"Night Mom" I soon feel into a deep sleep and dreamed about when I was finally reunited with my family.

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