california girls

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A/n last chapter sucked, they will get better xx

I slowly open my eyes, once my vision adjusted I looked around and took in my surroundings. I was laying on a black couch with a blanket and pillow, there was a huge window in front of me, there is a balcony outside the window, the floor is white carpet. I sit up and see colby walking out of his room, still looking half asleep

"The beast is awake" I say looking at colby, with his messy bed head no shirt,and sweatpants. He groaned and ruffled his hair to fix it, but failed miserably. I giggle to myself under my breath.
He slowly walked to the kitchen and I followed. I propped myself up on the counter while he open a cabinet and pulled out two mugs.

"Coffee?" He asked with his morning voice

"Please" I say rubbing my eyes and trying to stay awake.

He makes us both coffee and we sit on the couch.

"So we have an office that we can turn into a bedroom for you, it's pretty big and has a big window that you can see the Hollywood sign from" colby says sipping his coffee

"You really don't have to do that, I might be able to get the money to buy my own studio apartment or something" I said

"No, please be our guest" he said

"Are you sure?" I ask

"Of course" colby answered "oh and I talked to my mom, she said that they can mail you all ur stuff that's still at ur house, like your clothes and stuff and they can sell your furniture and send you the money and you can just buy and new bed and stuff" he explained

"That would be fantastic!" I say and put my coffee mug of the coffee table

I stood up and walked over to the balcony and slid the door open

"What are you doing?" Colby asked chuckling

"This.." I paused and walked out on the balcony "CALIFORNIA GIRLS, WE'RE UNDENIABLE" I sing outside, at the top of my lungs.
Colby starts laughing

"I've always wanted to do that, and now I can" I say "god, I'm such a dork I say, resting my elbows on the railing.

"Nah, it was cute" colby said joining me on the balcony.

I felt my cheeks heat up a bit, but managed to make it go away because I realize it was a friendly 'cute' I mean we all know I think colby is hot, and I think I like him, I don't I've never felt that way before so I don't know what it feels like.

Colby and I are on the couch watching TV, it is about twelve.

"Um colby, can I take a shower?" I ask

"Yeah you need one" colby replies

"Bitch" I say shoving him trying to push him off the couch but he grabbed my arms and pulled me onto the floor with him I landed on top of him, my hands are on his bare chest, and we laughed. We made eye contact for a few seconds.

"I'm gonna shower now" I chuckle and pat his chest as I get up and walked to the bathroom.

I got in the shower, it felt weird showering in someone else's shower. But I guess it's mine now? That seems so weird to think about.
I step out of the shower, and that's when I realize, I forgot a towel, why do I always do this? Luckily I have my phone with me, so I text colby....

Hazel: hey 😬

Colby: hi? 😂

Hazel: umm can you get me a towel?

Colby: no, you can be stuck in there

Hazel: colby please

Colby: ...

Hazel: come on

Colby: 🙄🙄

Hazel: dude come on

Colby: fineeee 😒

Hazel: thank youuuuuuu ☺️

A few moments go by then there's a knock on the door, I open the door and stick my arm out, while hiding behind the door, and grab the towel.

"Thank youuu colbyyyy" I say

"Yeah,yeah,yeah, I thought it would've been funny to leave you in there and see what you did, but I'm feeling nice" colby said, I hear his footsteps get farther and farther away from the door.

I dry off and but in some dark wash skinny jeans with a few rips here and there, a Troye Sivan shirt, and a red and black flannel around my waist.

I walk out of the bathroom and but the towel in an overflowing hamper, wow I'm gonna be like a mom in this house,

"Hey sam?" I say turning to sam

"Yeah?" Sam responds

"Where do you guys do laundry?" I ask

"There is a laundry room in the basement" he answers "I'm planning on going in a little bit"

"No, I'll go" I say

"You don't have to" sam says

"I want to, it's the least I can do, you guys are letting me stay here" I reply

"Thank you" sam says as I pick up the hamper and walk out the door.
I walk to the elevator and press the basement button. I got the basement level, I found my way to the laundry and put all the boys and I clothes in the washer and pressed start, I sat there waiting for the clothes to me done. I sat there a few people came and went. Nothing special.

But spending this time by myself I began to miss my mom, I wish I could pick up my phone and call her, but I can't. I think about all the memories my mom and I shared, she was my best friend, my everything. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the dryer beeping, telling me it was finished. 

I pilled the clothes into the hamper and brought it back up to an apartment.

"Here you guys go" I say placing the hamper next to Sam and Colby, who are sitting on the couch.

"Why thank you" Sam says laughing.

This is us // colby brockWhere stories live. Discover now