The Beginning

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Harry walked to the porch step, holding a bag of drenched groceries. Using his free hand he unlocked the door to see Robin and Manny watching TV. He responded to this with a half ass smile and walked into their kitchen. "Hi Harry!" Manny shouted, getting up from his spot and running to the red head.

Harry moved some dreadlocks away from his face. "Hi Manny..."

Manny smiled and shoved a paper into his face. "I drew you and Robin today! I was thinking you could hang the photo in your room!" The small child grinned.

Looking away from the paper bag, Harry reached out for the photo and stared at it. "Wow thanks." He replied in a monotone manner.

"Yay! I knew you'd like it!" The yellow child shouted as he ran back to living room.

Harry sighed happily and started to unpack the groceries. The paper bag that contained the goods was soggy and wet, but the contents remained dry. As he began to put away the last can Robin walked in, leaning against the counter. "Hey Robin...any teachers come by?" Harry asked, tossing the bag into the trash bin.

"Actually yes, Paige came over today to color with Manny, nothing harmless." Robin said.

Harry nodded, just thinking about that CREATIVE weirdo made him shiver.

(My version of Paige, she smol)

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(My version of Paige, she smol)

"Any othe-" Harry's thought was abruptly cut off by the door being slammed open.


"Tony I had to lead you here myself."

Harry and Robin ran out the kitchen to see Tony and Paige in the doorway. For some reason Tony was carrying her. "Tony your going to pay for that door." Harry started.

"What's that you say? 'Why are we here?!' Well lemme tell you."

Paige and Tony smiled. "THROUGH SONG!"

Music started to seep into the house, but before they could start Harry had already disappeared.

Hope you've enjoyed the story thus far! I had fun writing this. Also, small update.....

I found an old piece of Salad Fingers artwork

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I found an old piece of Salad Fingers artwork. 🤣

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