Cigars 1

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Harry and Robin walked in silence, now having enough room to stand next to each other. He looked down at his green feathered hands and frowned, looking up at the tall red male. "Harry I think we should take this as an opportunity to tal-"

"I don't think we should. There's a person out to get us.." Harry cut off, waving a hand in front of Robin to quiet him.

"What is wrong with you!"

"SHHHH!" Harry practically screamed.

".....what is wrong with you.." Robin said again, this time lower in volume.

Harry didn't respond. The burning sensation in Robin's throat came back. But no tears fell. "Do you hate me or something.?"

Harry stoped in his tracks. "Of course I don't hate you."

"Then why have you been lying to me this whole time...?!" Robin asked.

Harry remained quiet for a moment before opening his mouth to talk. No words came out, the necklace on their necks were glowing. "Shit." Harry mumbled.

Robin was indifferent to the situation. Without another hesitation, however, Harry grabbed Robin by the wing and ran through the tunnel, dragging him into another hall, and nearly scraping his arms against the wall as the hallways got smaller. Once the red illumination from the necklace had died down, Harry breathed a sigh of relief. Robin looked at his wing and then to Harry. If he were human he would've been blushing hard.

Harry locked eyes with the bird, his dull ones meeting his bright ones.... He looked away.

His eyes fell upon a box of cigars... there was a pink sticky note attached to it. Robin followed his gaze and saw the box. He ran over to it and picked it up reading the note aloud.

"You have found one of the items, Harry must answer this question. What was your motive to smoke, go in detail, if you answer incorrectly...well, you saw what happened in Tony's room."

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