Right up Against Them

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"But.. they can't make it through themselves." Harry said looking back up at Shrignold.

Shrignold looked to the side and shrugged. "Eh, I can't bend the rules, even if I tried."

"Why is Roy even doing this.?" Robin asked, following Shrig's gaze.

Shrignold sat down with the two. "That's classified information sweety~"

"It's scary over here....." Manny mumbled holding onto Olivia's hand.

She didn't say anything and kept trucking on, hoping to find that last item. Just one. The faster they got out of there, the faster they could escape Michael.

"I wonder if Harry and Robin are okay.." Manny inquired

"I don't know, I think I heard shouting a while back..."

"What if Micha-"

Manny was caught off guard by his necklace, it began to glow, a bright deep red. He was so close. He was right up against them.

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