chapter 1

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"I can't believe Jessica's a mom and Riley's eleven now, it seems like yesterday they were both babies..." Cherry sighed as she sat with Atticus on the couch. "So, what's new for them?"

"I heard they're moving to San Francisco." Atticus pondered.

"I wonder how their emotions are handling this?" Patch said.

"Emotions?" Cherry and Atticus asked the puppy.

"Well, you know how important emotions are." Patch replied like it was obvious.

"Ohh, yeah, like that one time when I met my emotions." Cherry said.

"Precisely," Patch nodded. "Riley's eleven now, right, Atticus?"

"Yeah, I remember when she was still a baby." Atticus chuckled.

"Well, she'll be in... Um... What's that word?" Patch pondered.

"Puberty?" Cherry replied.

"Yeah, she'll be dealing with that soon." Patch nodded.

"I wonder what our emotions are doing right now." Patch said.

"Too bad we'll never know." Cherry shrugged.

"Or will you?" Drell's voice asked.

"Drell, not now, I'm not in the mood..." Cherry groaned, not even trying to make a pun right then, so it made the boys laugh and she looked confused.

"Drell?" Atticus asked.

Drell appeared and walked over with a smile.

"Whatever it is, the answer is no, I should visit my niece and help her out with any trouble she might have with being the new kid in school." Atticus put his hand up.

"This involves with the emotions." Drell said.

"Huh?" the others asked.

"You guys will have to go inside... Go deeper..." Drell replied.

"So, it's like Inception?" Cherry asked.

"Okay, you know what, I'll just use my magic and get this over with." Drell said before using his magic on them to make them smaller.

Cherry, Atticus, and Patch screamed suddenly. Drell then grabbed them in his hand and put them all in a jar for now.

"Where are we going?" Atticus asked.

"I told you, you need to go deeper, you're going to help your niece go through emotional change." Drell replied.

"Say what?" Atticus asked.

"You heard me..." Drell replied. "I just need to change you all into new emotions to fit into Riley's head... Hmm... What's your best traits?"

"Mine would be sports," Atticus said. "That and homework."

"Well, I'm a dog..." Patch shrugged.

"So endless hunger." Cherry deadpanned.

"Seriously?" Drell asked.

Cherry smirked.

"Loyalty." Drell said to Patch.

"Yeah, we dogs are pretty loyal." Patch agreed.

"And what for me and Atticus?" Cherry asked.

"I guess Atticus could be strength... Cherry, what're you good at besides ruining the mood with your pessimism?" Drell commented.

"I'm good at writing stories." Cherry said.

"Hmm..." Drell hummed. "I guess you'll be as useless as ever."

Cherry's Inside Out AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now