chapter 10

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It was almost time for Cherry and Patch to go as they were replaced by doubles of their Emotion Personas so no one would know they were missing and Riley was going to turn twelve soon and her Wiccan powers would come during her sleep at midnight of her birthday and she would be told that she was a Wiccan which was a tradition of all magical families, and where after the game, there would be a surprise for Jessica and Christopher.

"Thanks for coming to my niece's game, Cherry." Atticus smiled.

"Anything for the free jersey." Cherry smirked as she wore a jersey which doubled as a hoodie for her.

"And I think there's going to be a surprise for Jessica and Christopher." Patch smirked.

"What kind of surprise, Uncle Patch?" Oddball asked curiously.

"I think I found it." Cherry said as she saw Riley run into a boy about her age by accident.

"And we can already tell how Christopher and Jessica are going to react." Atticus said.

The boy couldn't help but stare at Riley as he thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. "Hey, uh, you're Riley, right?" he then uttered out.

"Oh, you're in Ms. Lewis's homeroom class," Riley smiled as she recognized him while blushing. "Yeah, that's me... Riley Anderson."

"I'm Jordan," The boy smiled shyly to her. "Maybe after the game, we could hang out?"

"I'd like that." Riley nodded.

'Aw, young love.' Atticus thought to himself.

Riley smirked as she felt very motivated about hockey again. Jessica and Christopher cheered as they wore face paint to cheer their daughter on. Of course, it was slightly embarrassing for Riley.

Soon enough, Riley's team won.

"They won!" Jessica and Christopher beamed.

"And Riley will be twelve soon..." Atticus told his brother-in-law and sister. "Um, do you think she'll float at midnight tonight?"

"Hilda and Zelda said she should be since Sabrina did..." Jessica nodded back. "We plan on telling her the morning after she wakes up."

Riley soon walked over to her proud parents. "Mom, Dad, since Uncle Atticus has friends over, can I bring a friend too?"

"Sure, honey." Jessica smiled.

"A new friend?" Christopher also smiled.

"Yeah, Jordan." Riley smiled back with a nod.

"That's an interesting name." Jessica smiled.

"Jordan?" Christopher repeated in slight suspicion. "Is that a girl's name?"

"Does it matter?" Riley shrugged innocently.

'And here comes the typical dad response.' Atticus thought to himself with a smirk.

"I'd like to meet this Jordan." Christopher told Riley.

"You will." Riley giggled to her father.

"Hmm..." Christopher hummed as he had a strong suspicion but tried to keep it to himself.

Later on, they were on the way home as Jessica sighed as she looked at the Day Care photos she took of Riley when she was a volunteer and wondered if she should open her own and it made her think about maybe having another baby.

"You okay, Jessie?" Christopher asked his wife.

"How is Riley almost twelve already?" Jessica sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2017 ⏰

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