chapter 2

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Cherry took out what looked like puzzle pieces in a box.

"What're those, Cherry?" Patch asked.

"I think they called them fantasies," Cherry said. "We can at least pretend what our new house will look like."

"That sounds cool." Atticus smiled.

"When the others wake up, we'll check this out." Cherry said.

"You like working in the Dream Department, don't you?" Patch asked.

"I've always been fascinated by dreams." Cherry admitted.

"I can tell." Atticus said.

"It's just how I've been." Cherry shrugged.

It didn't take long until Joy, Anger, Sadness, Fear, and Disgust would wake up as Riley had some thoughts and feelings about moving to a whole new state and where they saw new sights during the move.

"Hey, look, the Golden Gate Bridge!" Joy pointed out with glee.

"Doesn't look golden to me." Patch pouted.

"Well, it might not be golden, but at least it's better than nothing." Atticus said.

"I sure am glad that you told me earthquakes were a myth, Joy and Strength," Fear said. "Otherwise I'd be terrified right now."

"Uh, yeah..." Joy rolled her eyes.

"But I should warn you that places like this can get traffic." Atticus said.

"That should be the worst of the problems." Patch agreed with his master.

There was then a traffic jam with frustrated and impatient people.

"These are my kind of people." Anger smirked.

"I thought you might like it." Atticus said to Anger.

"You can say that again." Anger approved.

"All right, just a few more blocks!" Christopher called out. "We're almost to our new house!"

"Step on it, Daddy." Anger growled impatiently.

"Why don't we just live in the smelly car?" Disgust scoffed. "We've already been in it forever."

"How about we fantasize how the new house will look?" Atticus asked.

"That's where I come in!" Cherry came over with her box.

"Perfect." Patch smiled.

"Let me see those." Joy took the box from Cherry.

"Ooh, that looks safe." Fear pointed out to the first one which was like a giant playhouse and even had a slide.

"That one does look like it's fun." Patch said.

"Oh, no, no, no, this one!" Joy then took out the tree-house one before going to a gingerbread house.

"That one makes me hungry." Patch giggled.

"Oh, Joy, for the last time, she cannot live in a cookie." Disgust sighed.

"That's the one!" Anger pointed to the castle where Riley was riding on a dragon's back. "It comes with a dragon!"

"How do you even train a dragon?" Patch wondered.

"I have no idea." Cherry said.

"Ooh, I'd love to find out," Atticus smirked. "I wish Spike were bigger so we could ride on him."

"Spike doesn't have wings!" Patch reminded him.

"Remember when Apple Bloom met Timber?" Cherry asked Patch.

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