chapter 3

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Eren took a look around making sure the being was truly gone before making a mad dash the rest of the way to his house. As soon as he got there he locked all the windows and doors, closed the curtains, and grabbed his hunting gun. He didn't get any sleep that night and instead stayed up laying in bed, gun on the nightstand, flinching at every little sound.
The next morning he had bags under his eyes as he unlocked the door to his office. The sign out front read "Detective Jeager". He plopped into his chair and laid his head on the desk. The chiming sound of the front door made him snap awake and sit up straight. In the door was a young woman. Her blonde hair flowed down her shoulders and her expensive looking clothes showed off her high social status. She wore white gloves, nice pink heels, a gold locket, and a blue gown with white around the edges. This was the girl they called "the town's angel," and Her neame was Christa. One look at the tears formed in her blue eyes told Eren something was wrong. He beckoned her to come closer before addressing her "Christa are you okay?"
"Eren it's absolutely horrible!" she said her voice breaking.
"Take a breath Christa and tell me what happened," he said as he got up to gently grab her shoulders as if she would break if he wasn't careful.
"M-minister Nick is dead!" she broke down crying. Eren lightly hugged the sobbing girl as he took in her words. "He was f-found this morning i-in the woods," she blubbered into his shoulder "Without a h-head!" Her words made Eren shiver and his eyes almost pop out of his head.
He wanted so badly to rush out of the room but he couldn't just leave a crying woman by herself so he rubbed her back. 

"Alright, Christa breathe and tell me where," he questioned her.

"T-the crossroads!" she breathed out. He guided her to a nearby chair and ran to get his bag filled with detective equipment. He scurried over to her.

 "Are you going to be alright with going home for now while I take a look?" he asked her. Christa nodded wiping her tears as she followed Eren outside. He locked up his office and Christa waved goodbye as she got in her carriage. He set off towards the scene of the crime head held high and taking long strides.

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