Chapter One

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Selina didn't think much of Christmas didn't have anyone to celebrate with. To be honest she'd preferred to be left the hell alone. However, some tiny part of her was dying to see the huge Christmas tree adorned diamond lights and ornaments. Red and gold spread thickly and generously through every room used. See the study immersed in joy a wreath hung proudly on the big oak door. His table wearing a tinsel lights covering every dark corner. As much as she hated spending Christmas alone she knew exactly when Bruce was putting his tree up and really couldn't help the desire to help him and Alfred decorate. The domestic side of her was screaming.

No- Selina had the next three weeks planned out, she would stay at her hide and wait impatiently for her ankle to get better then she would go and rob some rich idiots of a few dollars drop Bruce's sort-of-Christmas-present off without him knowing and then sulk.

The air around her ripped through the street as ignorant and arrogant as the people it went past. Selina loved the winter, loved the bitter cold that nipped at your fingertips the feeling of snow melting into her hot skin as it fell. She loved how the sun bounced of the snow sending tiny crystal to reflect on every surface. She didn't however, like it when the cold got into her hide and she was to proud and in too much pain to go to the billionaires house.

She was however surprised to see a package waiting on her door step; a sleek grey box with a sparkly red bow wrapped professionally around it- how curious. So Selina took it in side trying not to shiver as her body tried to figure out why it was even colder than before. Highness joined her on the sofa nudging the box in curiosity her yellow cat eyes glaring at the unknown package as Selina opened it carefully the feeling of silk between her fingers as the tissue paper was peeled back like stickers.

Blue, satin filled Selina vision, she couldn't believe her eyes; it was the outfit that had sat all alone in the corner of the shop sad and depressed but so beautiful even as the sun disappeared the vibrant royal blue was apparent. Bruce- that little sneak he had gone back and got it.  Selina grinned into the darkness squinting as she read the note with nothing but gloomy moonlight.

*I know I upset you. We're putting up the tree tonight (around five)  please come round I'd love to see you. Plus I have something to tell you**

She could almost feel her hard shell cracking as she ran her calloused fingertips over his stupidly neat hand writing, scrawled in a hurry. She would go to his stupid tree tradition and help him put up his stupid tree all because his hand writing is so beautiful and that royal blue was blackmailing her to do so.

She caught a cab half the way convinced him she was meant to be home and had lost her money- he said since it was Christmas he would take her all the way, couldn't believe his eyes when she got out at Wayne manor. The house was quiet no lights or festive spirit oozing out of it. Perhaps they had already done it and given up waiting- it wasn't even six yet. She knocked cautiously and as the door opened the house came alive.

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