Chapter Five

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She was in and out for a while after she whispered his name ,so desperately, he hadn't been able to remove himself from the chair by her bedside since. No major damage had been inflicted; no broken bones or internal bleeding just a concussion some bruised ribs and a major headache that would last a few days.  They had all been extremely lucky- the doctor and nurse had repeatedly told them- if they had been closer to the door or further away damage could have been permanent.

Alfred had got it the worse- second degree burns covering a large portion of his left arm and a bad mood. He would live and as happy about that as Bruce was the, constant complaining coming from the English man was enough to make him hide in Selina's room. Alfred was important to him but not wanting to kill him seemed more important. So Selina's room became his solace- since she was still out could there was no nagging or sarcastic remarks. So he read and if he liked a particular passage he would read it too her.

"I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be.' Against reason, how can you love against reason seems to be he was a bit of an idiot if reasoning wasn't important to him"  Bruce smiled to himself imagining the eye roll he would get from Selina.

"Who are you talking to?" Bruce, after nearly falling out of his seat, shuts his book and stares in shock at the girl in the bed her eyes narrowed into a sort of glare. The silence last about five seconds before Bruce gets over himself and put his book down a huge grin splitting his cheeks.

"It doesn't matter- how are you, do you feel okay?" Selina held a hand out to stop him trying not to cringe at the shooting pains traveling up her arm.

"I'm cold" Bruce frowned- after being out for over eight hours and suffering from smoke inhalation and mental deterioration she was cold. He realised quickly she wasn't joking, her usually pink lips were grey her sharp teeth chattering her slim body convulsing in an effort to keep itself warm, Selina Kyle didn't get cold.

"Well, they're all in change over that take an hour of not longer so I cant get a nurse." She frowns for a second, that adorable crease between her eyebrows making an appearance, before patting the space beside her. Blinking in shock the baby billionaire takes a second to evaluate his situation: Selina with bags under her eyes her skin grey and wild hair limp, her ankle swollen and painted black and blue. "I don't know Selina, they're really strict and I don't want-" Tears threaten to fall, emerald green eyes turn glassy and he can almost see her crawling back into her shell the light from the ceiling casting eerie shadows across her face. She pretends not to notice as he slides into the surprisingly large hospital bed but doesn't resist as he pull her closer kissing her shoulder and murmuring a quiet apology.

"I'm just really tired B, every time I close my eyes now I'm back in that hall begging to nothing that your still alive watching the fire engulf the tree I can almost smell the burning of my skin" she stops suddenly and he's not sure wether she's closed herself off or if she's crying and to be honest he's not sure which one he'd prefer. "We've been in situations like that before but none of them- none of them had made me feel so sick to my stomach worrying about you" hot tears fall onto his arm and he tried not to make a big deal as the salty water runs down his arm staining the sheets.

"I got knocked out by the tree, nothing else just a sprained ankle and a major headache" He didn't tell her about Alfred didn't want her worrying about someone else when she could barely find the strength to speak. She laced her fingers through his and he felt her heart rate normalise as she knew he was okay. "I'm not going anywhere Selina"

Bruce was glad he didn't promise as twenty minutes later the nurse kicked him out shunning him quite forcefully for breaking the rules and sending him back to his room.   Bruce obliged seeing as Selina had fallen asleep her chapped lips pulled up into a soft smile as she dreamt.

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