Chapter Six.

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First of all I want to apologise greatly to everyone reading this story because I literally abandoned it and I'm so so so so sorry, but it's Christmas time again so new chapter coming you're way!! (Hopefully :)! )

Christmas music floats lightly through the guest house slipping under the heavy oak door of Bruce and Selina's room. Selina decides- as she lays wrapped in piles of blankets Bruce still asleep- Jingles Bells isn't a bad thing to wake up to, neither is Bruce. His hair hangs lazily over his eyes, hazy sun rays spilling out through the curtains in soft lines across his chiselled jaw line. The music gets louder as Alfred knocks swiftly on the door before limping in. Selina acts quickly and on instinct pulling the covers up to her neck and feigning sleep. Bruce stirs slowly as Alfred's abrupt cough disturbs the serene silence.

"Alfred" His voice is hoarse, and slightly sexy, yet still smooth and eloquent despite him being awake for less than two minutes. Shuffling slowly up the bed Bruce shakes his head. "You should not be up" The butler laughs limping steadily over to the chair stationed by the large wooden desk. Selina's clothes lie neatly in a pile by Alfred's arm. If he notices them he doesn't say anything instead leans back and frowns at his ward.

"I feel much better Master B, a couple weeks can make a hell of a difference. Just look at Miss Kyle; why we've nearly domesticated her!" Bruce laughs at that his finger pushing the hair of her face, Selina can't help but smile as her curls are brushed away from her eye tickling her. She grabs his hand and squeezes his fingers lightly as a warning. "Good morning Miss Kyle" Selina growls from her position under the covers, hiding her face with her hands she sets her signature frown into place.

"Go away" Bruce laughs at that, from between her fingers she sees him get out of bed, fingers gripping onto his bedside table as he stands up as straight as he can arm covering his cracked ribs.  Sighing Selina throws the covers back sitting up as she does so her curls bouncing in the after shock. "I'm hungry" She stalks tiredly into the kitchen so glad the house has no stairs. Alfred sets to work making breakfast the majority of his wounds healed. Only a twisted ankle left.

Bruce studies Selina carefully watching as she sits down at the table opposite him arms crossed over her chest, lips pouting. Not frowning pouting, it takes every bit of self control for Bruce not to kiss her. She wasn't big on affection and definitely wasn't big of affection in front of others.  So instead he ignores it figures she'll tell him what's bothering her when she feels he needs to know. They eat breakfast in silence like they usually do both men read the paper and Selena would sit in silence eating her breakfast. Today was different she had a face on her that made even Alfred confused. Never had he ever seen Selina Kyle pout, he didn't think it was possible.

"Selina I swear to God" Selina head snaps up and she frowns at him tilting her head in confusion. "if you don't stop pouting I'm going to have to kiss you" Her lips break into a grin her nose wrinkling as she laughs at him.

"You know be that is the weirdest threat I've ever gotten"  She bit her lip looking away as Bruce grinned back. "But it's not the worst" His snarky comment was interrupted by the door bell. Alfred stood up stiffly.

"That'll be Doctor Tompkins" Panic shot through Selina. Something about Lee made her want to please her. She wasn't sure why but she hated it. Despite how hard she tried the doctors approval meant more than she cared to admit. Alfred hobbled out to open the door and Selina slipped into the chair next to Bruce. He didn't say anything just placed a hand on her knee that was bouncing up and down like crazy.

Doctor Tompkins looked as elegant as ever. Long silky black her and a fringe. Less scary make up than she had been wearing at the cherry picker.  Her outfit was more respectable; a simple blue dress paired with black heels and a blazer. Absolutely no leather in sight. The air seemed to shift as she sat down at the table placing her well manicured nails in front of her.

"Selina" the woman smiled her voice light and airy not accusatory tone, no disappointed sighs and no agonising looks. So far so good. "Not looking for trouble anymore?" Selina smiled briefly staring at her nails before staring back at the woman her dark eyes compelling her to tell the truth. She shakes her head lightly looking at Bruce for back up. He takes the lead his arm draped lesiurely across her chair his hand rubbing circles into her shoulder and distraction from the sudden panic she feels.

"Not that I don't enjoy you're company, Dr Tompkins, what are you doing here?" Alfred nearly chokes on his tea. "That sounded rude- I apologise. I just mean what brings you here today, you're not one for leisurely chats" Lee smiles sincerely not the least bit offended.

"I'm here because,  well because of Selina actually" Selina stops fiddling with the hem of her shirt her focus solely on Lee watching the woman smile anxiously. Manicured nails tapping on the table as Selina leans closer. "You helped me out of a situation and in turn I'd like to invite you to the Christmas Gala the hospital is throwing- you too of course Bruce" Bruce smiles politely, Selina frowns, something wasn't adding up. No matter how well mannered the doctor was she wouldn't stop by just to invite Selina to a gala. She doesn't have enough time in the day for errands like that. Despite her curiosity Selina smiles at the woman her hands folded neatly in front of her mimicking the doctors. Bruce knows what she's doing, Selina's eyeing her up trying to scrape as much information as she can out of the woman before she leaves.  He coughs loudly snapping Selina out of her glare, placing both hands on the table he turns to Lee.

"Well, I'll walk you out shall I?" Selina stands up before Bruce and steady grip on his hand. If Lee notices she doesn't say anything.

"Nonsense Bruce you're ribs are in a fragile state Selina can do it" He nods complicity. Selina follows the doctor out of the room and the two of them walk in silence to the door.  Selina grabs lees wrist tightly her fingers looking deathly pale against her natural tan.  Her voice is low as she peers up at the doctor.

"Listen Doc I don't know what your ulterior motive is but it's pretty clear you have one" Lee laughs softly loosening Selina's grip on her wrist before squeezing her fingers. Selina stares at her hand as Lee talks. Her hands are warm and something about the heat against her freezing hands. Something about the softness in the contact makes her want to cry.

"I know most people in your life have ulterior motives. Even Barbra and Tabitha, okay? You're a smart girl, you know when someone's heart isn't in it 100%" Tears sting her eyes as she stares down at the wooden floor. Even in Bruce's thick socks she can feel the cold coming from the floor but the heat from Lees warm hand seems to cancel it out.  "While you were in hospital the doctors needed a solid address, Bruce couldn't put his down because Alfred wasn't in the state to be any legal guardian" Something dry was slipped into her hand the warmth replaced by a cool piece of paper. It was crumpled up god knows howling Lee had kept it in her pocket waiting for the right time to pass it to her. "A home- if ever, whenever, you decide you need one. If even just for a night" And with that Lee was gone, leaving Selina leaning against the door for support her hands shaking as she opens the note. The paper was stained and the ink smudged but it was still clear what was written. An address, not from the narrows and actual house- perhaps even a home.

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