Chapter four

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Sorry, super quick note. I just wanted to thank those who commented, you guys actually made night and encouraged me to finish this chapter (I was struggling so hard to find a good angle for it) so please feel free to leave a comment, have it be your one good deed because it seriously made my day. ~anyway sorry for the note and your a beautiful human being if you read my gushing and rambling, you guys are just so pure~

Silence, deathly silence, Selina hated silence always had- ever since she was a kid. Silence meant bad things, her mother had only been quiet before she left her.

Thirty seconds of the black abyss was more than Selina cared for and only when the ringing in her ears started did she begin to question how alive she actually was. Metal tings echoing through her skull like drums that made her eyes hurt. She tried to asses the situation. She was breathing, her head hurt, she was hearing things and the sickly sweet metallic tang of blood hovered at the back of her throat making her gag. Her vision was poor, as she strained to see in the sparse light provided poorly by fairy lights discarded and cracked lying sad on the floor- at least she wasn't the only broken thing.

The smoke slithered around the room picking up dust particles from once solid walls, it stalked around the space avoiding the light like the plague creating a whirlwind of pure horror. It was so thick Selina couldn't see, so thick she couldn't even think straight. How the hell was she going to get out of the damn Manor if she's practically blinded.


The moments before the bright flash of light slowly return to her groggy brain. Where are they, how badly injured are they? Dear God, please the make sure the tree hasn't crushed Bruce. Stumbling to her feet Selina ignores the protest from her legs and heaves herself towards the thick fog. The air is hot; water floating freely, sticking to her skin as she passes through the humidity. Only one heat has ever smelt like that- like burnt cinnamon and broken dreams along with the rotting flesh of trees, there's a fire. Panic freezes Selina blood as it becomes increasingly harder to see her own filthy hands let alone a teenage boy.

Fire crackles in her throat as she tries to speak the words being scorched before they even reach her tongue. Her vocal cords scream in protests and all she wants to do is cry shout hell even swear. This isn't fair, life isn't fair.

"B," Her throats is red raw and she's probably inhaling toxic fumes, she doesn't care, she has to know he's okay- alive at least. Every atom in her body is screaming in pain, crying for it to end but she so numb the only thing she can feel is the heat of the fire. "Bruce! Alfred, where are you?" No answer, no god damn answer. Wailing is her response; long desperate wailing- the police. They're here, trust Jim Gordon to get her out of another mess. As the abyss greets her with a sweet welcoming smile Selina thinks she'll never hear the end of this one.

Torch flicker in and out of Selina's vision as she fights to keep her eyes open. Dust and smoke have suffocated the air filling her lungs without mercy, causing her to couch and couch and cough- it's not long before she's choking, guttering, drowning. Phantom faces cloud her vision a million concerned look- perhaps this is limbo. The smoke whirls around them as the world spin in circles. Make it stop
Make it stop
Excruciating pain, no central pain, no cause for it just hot white pain searing agony through ever inch of her body making her skin crawl.
"Where does it hurt" Selina shakes her head, everywhere, nowhere, somewhere. Someone- someone has made her hurt. Made her hurt like this.
Make it stop
Kill me
End it
Do it
Don't be a coward
Finish me
It hurts too much.
Faces everywhere all at once. Needles and sterile lights, filters and bleach. Living hell.
So many faces, so many eyes none the ones Selina needs to see. No voices the ones she needs to hear.
"You're going to be okay Selina, you can fight this" Bruce, red velvet cake with cream cheese icing smooth and silky- yet so sickly sweet, something Selina could never get enough of.
Bring me back.
Don't let it take me
I can fight this
I can
I will
I can
I will

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