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Nialls pov-

After Jess left I decided it would probably be best if I went and found Liam. I headed inside and found my legs carry me to the kitchen where I saw his mum making tea.

"Hi Karen!" I smiled brightly at my best mates, mum.

"Oh, Niall dear! How have you been" she kindly asked

"I've been pretty good, what about yourself" I responded happily.

"Yes well I've been great, and if you don't mind me saying, Jess is a lovely girl Niall. Please remember that" she winked at me with a smile before she headed off holding the 4 tea cups on a tray.

wait what.

Jess' pov-

The day ended fairly quickly for me as I found myself fall asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I awoke hours later to the bright morning sun desperately trying to peek through my blinds.

I lazily got myself out of bed and grabbed my phone off the bedside table before heading downstairs where I was sure to find my parents both sitting reading the newspaper, having a coffee and some breakfast. I grabbed my self out a bowl while hitting the little switch for the kettle to start boiling the water inside.

Whilst waiting for my tea I grabbed milk and cornflakes and poured just the right amount into the bowl. Once I had my tea in one hand and bowl in the other I went down to the dining table.

after a short breakfast I went back to the kitchen put my bowl and mug in the dishwasher and grabbed my phone that I left on the counter earlier and headed up to my room.

I grabbed some high waisted denim shorts, a cute floral top and headed straight for the bathroom to have a shower. Once I was dressed I grabbed my all-black high top converse and shoved them on my feet. I went down stairs and sat on the couch for what seemed like hours but in reality only being ten or fifteen minutes.

I decided I should probably text Niall, considering I said that I would text him and never did.


"heeyyyyy" I text him quickly locking my phone deciding on heading to the local coffee shop to some coffee and a muffin.

I was about to head down the hall to tell my parents I was going out, but I stopped myself from entering the room as I heard them talking. All I got out of the conversation was "it will be good for her" and something like "yes. we will tell her tonight." I had a feeling they were talking about something not so good and had a pretty bad feeling it was me, they were talking about.

I cleared my throat and told my parents I'd be back in no longer than an hour and a half.

Once I got outside I decided the weather was to nice to drive a short five minutes, so I started on the casual yet enjoyable walk for fifteen minutes.

Once I reached the coffee shop I opened the door and as if on queue the little bell above the door rang signalling someone entered the little store. I went straight up to the front desk and ordered my usual and went to a little table a few rows back from the window. I got my phone from my bag and started scrolling through my twitter and instagram feed, finding my self get bored on one so I'd enter the other app and scroll through that until I got bored so it was basically a cycle of Instagram,twitter,Instagram,twitter.

it was getting kinda boring waiting for my order and my brain kept saying "this is taking longer than usual" but it didn't bother me to much. So on natural reacting I looked up to the door when the little bell rang. I almost fell out of my seat when I saw Niall as in Niall that I spent the entire day with yesterday, laughing and joking around with another girl. I couldn't be angry, or jealous because he's not technically mine. But still, he didn't even reply to my text. He could of at least done that. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts I didn't notice or hear the waiter bring my order and apologise for the long wait.

I grabbed my order and walked out the door, not wanting Niall or his little friend too know I was here. I found my feet carry my to a little park that was placed somewhere between my house, and the coffee shop.

I headed home after I finished my coffee and muffin and I just laid on my bed. Thinking about life, not me, not Niall, not my parents, nor my family. just life, life in general.

After a little while I heard my alarm go off once again today. I wasn't asleep or even under the bed covers but I often found myself fall asleep before I had work. So this was the only way I wouldn't be late. Set an alarm.

I got up and went to my wardrobe and grabbed my all black leggings, all black top and all black vans. Boring outfit, I know. But the little ice cream shop logo on the front consisting of pinks and greens made the outfit just work. I don't know how but it just did.

I snatched my phone off its charger and chucked my hair up in a high ponytail. Went downstairs and said good bye to my parents.

And off to work I headed.


Well wattpad, good job. I'm officially angry with you.

So I had written chapter 3 and posted it earlier today and started on chapter 4.


Wattpad being wattpad decided to annoy me and delete chapter 3 that was already uploaded and chapter 4 which I had only just started on really. But whyyyyy

Anyways sorry of you've already read this chapter and I couldn't exactly remember what happened and what went where but anyways.

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Please comment if I should continue this book or not. Lots of love

~gigi x

forever in love //niall horan//Where stories live. Discover now