Happy New Years, everybody! Boy, I thought 2016 would never end. Now it's the time to sweep up the bad memorable moments in social media and bad memories in real life and refresh.
Now it's 2017, and Disney keeps moving forward with new rides, new amusement parks in different countries, new toys, new video games, and most of all new movies such Beauty and the Beast, Olaf, Frozen, possibly new Disney Princesses, and the new chapter of Star Wars! (How exciting is that?)
Anyway, before we get settle with new Disney stuff in our New Year, let's talk about our next world I will be feature in this article.
The world that I will present in this article is a world full of animals (Yes, I know there are a lot of Disney films that shows a lot of talking and walking animals.), a world where they have advance technology like Tomorrowland, a world where they act like us but can also follow their instincts, and this particular is recognize for their most exaggerating or over-the-top moment.
You guessed it.
It's Zootopia!
A tropolis where predators and preys live together in harmony, these anthropomorphic animals also live and act like human beings. They can walk, talk, feel, dress, work, dance, laugh, get embarrassed, have wi-fi and smartphones. Preys and predators could have attacked each other if it weren't for the biggest case in Zootopia history.
Zootopia was requested by my boss, Nobu or PopPunk95.
He asked, "I was wondering how they would put it in one of the games?"
Hm.? That's a good question. Well, if I were a game writer, I would decide on how Zootopia would be in synch with the world plotting in the Kingdom Hearts series.
It all starts when Judy Hoops, a rabbit from Bunny Burrow, became a new officer of the Zootopia Police Department. After she arrests a weasel for stealing plant bulbs, she was about to get reprimanded for leaving her assignments, parking duty, however Judy volunteers to find a missing Otter, one of the fourteen predators who have gone missing. But when the misunderstandment Judy created insulted Chief officer Bogo, he had no choice but lets Judy find the missing the otter or else she resigns if she hasn't find Emmitt Otterton in two days.
She then discovered that Nick Wilde, a con artist fox he hustled her from before, was the last person who had seen Emmitt Otterton last time. Judy blackmails him into assisting her by recording his confession to tax evasion on her electric carrot pen. Judy and Nick search through Zootopia to find clues to Emmitt Otterton's disappearance and found out Emmitt turn savage was imprisoned at Cliffside Asylum where Lionheart and his secret Night Howlers, wolves, kept the missing fourteen predators hidden from public.
In the end of the case, Mayor Lionheart got arrested and those who've researched in the Cliffside Asylum got arrested and Bellwether took his place as Mayor of Zootopia. But Zootopia was in chaos after Judy told to the press conference that a biological causes predators to become savages. Judy moved back to Bunnyburrow after she panics Zootopia, when preys protest against predators. While helping her parents with their business, she learns the Night Howlers are not wolves but toxic flowers that have a psychotropic effect on predators. She finds Nick and together track down the source of night howlers, but found a secret lab that creates illegal drugs made from night howlers, which were used to shoot the predators with dart guns.
They realized the mastermind behind the missing predator or what she calls it a prey-supremacist conspiracy was Bellwether. Luckily Judy and Nick hustled her by recording Bellwether confession on Judy's carrot pen. The police arrest Bellwether is arrested, Lionheart is still in jail for a possible cooperation with Bellwether's plot but believes he have a good reason to imprison the savage predators. Judy rejoins the ZPD along with Nick Wilde, the city's first fox police officer and her partner. And that's how the story ends.