Week 33 and 34

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Dear you,
The gig was amazing! You would've loved their music. It's just up your street. Axel came off stage beaming. I think he's happy he's been recognised. We were talking after the performance. There had been people from labels nearby. The little coffee shop had been attracting attention as had he. Violet, I think I'm going to tell Axel about you. He deserves to know. After everything he's done I can't not open up to him. But I'm scared. Should I? I trust him more than anyone else in the city. It's just a big step you know? No one I've met now, knows about you. I've not let anyone dig that deep. Not yet. I've finally looked into the meaning of you name as a flower. Violets - delicate love, affection, modesty, faith, nobility, intuition and dignity.

Love, Roxanne

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