There's a part 2!

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Blood: And... We're back.. Well, not necessarily back but... back to answering questions!

Yusuke: So, we're back but... Not back from where we are right now.

Blood: Yes, exactly because we're half way to your ancestral dad's place... Which is a distance... Might I add. Oh, if you're all wondering how we're actually travelling now, Yusuke still has Pu so... That's how.

Yusuke: It only took me a few days to get there instead of a full blown year.

Blood: First off, because you were running with no breaks or stopping and you're technically a demon so you don't need to because for God know what reason, you have infinite stamina!

Yusuke: I say it's because of all the fights I got in and combined with being here for 3 years and Genkai's training.

Blood: Right.... And dying twice.. Anyways for the time being, let's get some questions answered while we're out and about!

Kurama: Looking at these questions so far, we've answered most of them.

Blood: Only people who didn't were... Yusuke because he had to get Hiei from training.

Hiei: I still don't see the point of why I have to answer questions when I could spend my time training to finally beat the detective one on one.

Blood: Can you at least appreciate that some people want to know your opinions and responses to certain things? 
Also, too much of a good thing is bad so, taking a break once in a while helps. Back to what I was saying, Yusuke didn't answer his yet, neither did Yoko and Raizen we're on our way to now.

Kuwabara: So, who's up first anyways Blood?

Blood: Well to be honest, we've all got a question from cherishkm14... I'm not too sure if I'm supposed to answer too but let's see..

All: Out of Raizen, Yusuke, Kurama, Yoko Kurama, Hiei and Genkai, Which do you NOT want to fight and which one Do you want to fight the most?

Blood: To be honest, I'm not even sure if I'm supposed to answer this too or not.

Yusuke: Well, it does say ALL so yes you do Blood.

Blood: *groans* How do I answer this... Give me a few minutes to think...

Hiei: I'm sure it's obvious that I'd want to fight the detective the most.

Blood: Yes... yes it is....after taking a spirit gun to the back and losing the first time and the second, there was no clear winner or a draw.

Hiei: As you would say 'Third times a charm. '

Blood: That's so weird hearing you say that..  Please don't... like ever again.

Hiei: Hn.  As for who I wouldn't fight, there's no one on that since I'm always up for a challenge.

Blood: So, out of an ex spirit detective that you lost to already, the person who taught said ex detective everything she knew, an ex demon king and your partner in crime, you want to fight all of them...?
You've got some serious guts Hiei...that or you're completely out of your mind.

Kuwabara: I agree with you on that last part Blood. He's probably lost it already if he wants to fight all of them.

Blood: *nods head* Mhm. Anyways, I'll answer too since it says all on it.

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