Questions, questions and more questions!!

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Blood: *coughs a little bit* Back! We're actually on our way back to the Human World. Pu's all rested up and was ready to fly back this morning but Hiei had to at least get a little training session in so... Well, all 4 of them had to train so, that left me with Pu until they were done.

Yusuke: Aren't you forgetting something Blood?

Blood: Uh... What am I forgetting other than the questions?

Yusuke: Weren't you just coughing a few seconds ago?

Blood: Yeah... It's been like this for a few days, not sure where you-- Oh I see what you're trying to say... *sighs*

Kurama: It does seem like you caught something while we were still there.

Blood: Hold it!  Don't just automatically assume I'm sick because I was coughing.

Hiei: Did you not just say you were for the past few days?

Blood: Hey, you don't know the cause!  Maybe it was something I ate, maybe something was in the air, you don't know!

Kuwabara: Jeez Blood, never known you to be so stubborn to not admit you're sick...

Blood: I AM NOT SICK!  Seriously, it's probably bad air quality from being back and forth from the Human and Demon world.

Yusuke: Yeah ok Blood....

Hiei: We're going back because Blood caught something and was ill prepared to take care of herself.

Blood: *glares at Hiei* I probably caught something from being around you so much.... In any case, Kurama, Hiei, you both have questions from... PetiteMistress, whose... Awww!

Kuwabara: What?!

Blood: Kurama has a fan!

Yusuke: To add on to the several he has already.

Blood: To say the least, Kurama is a very likable character, the guy has a fan club for Christ sakes!

Kurama: Eh heh... I am a bit.. Flattered to know and I do acknowledge all of them and thank them all very much.

Blood: See, you're just way too sweet and kind to everyone, even unintentionally you are!

Kurama: I'll... Take what you said as a compliment Blood.

Blood: If not you Kurama, then... Hiei is the one with the second most... *looks at Hiei* As rude as you are.

Hiei: I don't know why you're looking at me when the amount of "fans" I have are of none of my concern. I'll just keep doing what I do best and leave it at that.

Kuwabara: See?!  He's just a real jerk sometimes.

Blood: But he's a jerk for a reason... Now, who wants to answer their question first or should I have you both play rock paper scissors to decide?

Hiei: ....never discuss that wretched game.

Blood: How come, for the fact you lost to Kuwabara or that you can't beat me in it?

Yusuke: *laughs a little* She is not going to let you live down either of those moments Hiei.

Blood: *Coughs a bit more, then stops* Damn straight, I won't.

Kurama: I shall go first then.

Blood: *clears throat* Ah OK then.

Does it still bother you when people mistake you for a girl?

Kurama: Well....It really has never bothered me but it is a bit annoying from time to time. People normally realize their mistake as soon as they hear me speak.

Blood: At first when I saw him, I did this too. I'm guilty of doing this too... I sometimes do that with any long haired character before I heard their voice...

Kurama: It's alright Blood. It was an honest mistake.

Blood: I still feel bad for doing it too but... It is what it is.

Kuwabara: I say it's more so you having delicate features that so many people made that mistake Kurama.

Kurama: It is unfortunate but very true as well.

Blood: Alright, Hiei you need to answer your question too.

Hiei: It was just me and the Fox that has questions?

Blood: Hey, all of us had a question! Besides, you and Kurama are basically two of the most popular characters besides Yusuke so, it's somewhat expected for you both to have a lot of questions. As for now, yes only you two are being asked something.

Hiei: ...for now.

Blood: Just answer the damn question!

Hiei: Fine.

Blood: Jeez, thank you!

What would you do if Kuwabara-san asks Yukina to marry him?

Kurama: Oh my...

Blood: *laughing internally but is trying not to laugh out loud* Oh dear lord...

Yusuke: *is laughing*

Kuwabara: What, it'll happen someday you guys!  Just you wait and see, I'll make sure to keep Yukina happy for as long as we both live!

Blood: Oh no Kuwabara, we're not laughing at you.

Kuwabara: Huh?  Then why are you and Urameshi laughing then?

Hiei: *is thinking of how to respond*

Blood: Yo, you're still thinking?!

Hiei: What exactly am I supposed to say, I have no control over what she does as long as she remains happy.

Blood: Good answer but... I doubt you'd have a single say anyways. *is having a bit of a coughing fit*

Hiei: See what happens when you start talking.

Blood: I'm telling you it's from bad air quality!

Yusuke: Just admit you're sick Blood!

Blood: If I'm sick, then why are you all still around me and perfectly fine?!

Hiei: We're demons and idiots can't get sick is how the buffoon himself is still completely fine.

Kuwabara: What was that, you little runt?!

Blood: ...I'd never thought that'd I seriously miss my house so much than I do now... Well, there you have it PetiteMistress! As I've mentioned before we're coming back from Demon World and we'll be arriving back shortly! Now, since these guys are on my case thinking I'm sick, I actually need to sleep for the rest of the trip back... We'll see you all next time!

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