Chapter 6

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I wake the next morning to someone banging on my door. I stand up and open my door to reveal Rigel. "Rigel, what are you doing?" I ask my god brother. He shrugs.

"I just wanted to say thank you for yesterday. It really helped calm my nerves. Your the best sis." He says before pulling me into a hug. I blush and hide my face in my hair. "It's no problem bub. That's what siblings do." I say. He nods and then heads back to the Gryffindor common room.

Once he leaves I step back into my room and shut the door. My clock says it's 7:30 meaning I've got 30 minutes till breakfast. I go to my closet and pull out my clothes before going into the bathroom to shower. After showering, I return to my room and pull on my clothes.

After lacing my boots and fixing my hair, I go wake up Neville. Softly, I knock on his door. He opens it and I see he's already dressed. "Hey love. I was just gonna head down to breakfast. Wanna come?" I ask him.

He nods. "Sure love. Let's go." He says, grabbing my hand. We take the passage and then walk into the Great Hall.

We sit beside Harry, Ron, Hermione and Rigel at the Gryffindor table. "Morning guys. Sleep well?" I ask my friends. They all nod. Suddenly, Seamus comes running into the Great Hall. "He's been sighted! He's been sighted!" He says, placing a Daily Profit on the table.

We all scramble up from our seats and look at the paper. "Duff-town? That's not far from here." Hermione says. "Y-you don't think he'd a-actually come to H-Hogwarts do you?" Rigel asks. "Who knows. Black could be anywhere." A fellow Gryffindor says. Rigel pales and looks at me wide eyed. I pull him into a hug.

After the crazy breakfast this morning, my friends and I are all outside since it's nice out and the cold weather is coming right around the corner.

I'm reading a book Hermione had gotten me for my birthday about that I had been wanting called True Animagus Transformation. After reading in mums journal that her, Uncle James, and Uncle Sirius had become animagus their fifth year to help dad I've wanted to become one.

Ron, Hermione, Seamus and Dean had left us a little while ago saying they had homework to do so it was just Harry, Neville, Rigel and I out in the courtyard.

I gasp, startling the boys. "What?" They all say. I pick up my book and smile. "How would you three like to become second generation animagus?" I ask my friends with a smirk.

They all nod and huddle around me. "It says here that we need to keep a mandrake leaf in our mouth for a whole month. If we do that tomorrow when we all wake up then by Christmas we all should be able to transform." Rigel says, reading out of the book.

I smile. "Leave that to me." I say, standing up. "Okay, you two meet Neville and I in our dorm tonight alright?" I tell Harry and Rigel. They both nod and I place my book in my bag.

"Where are you going?" Rigel asks. "No ones at the Green House's today so I'm gonna go get some mandrake leaves." I say. The boys nod and Neville kisses my cheek before going to catch up with Harry and Rigel.

I take off in a sprint towards the green houses and stop when I get to the entrant. Quickly, I wave my hand to make sure I'm alone. After seeing that I am in fact alone, I walk over to the mandrake plants. Cutting off four leaves, I decide to cut off four more for back up.

After walking around the grounds for a bit, I run into someone. "Joscylene?" The person asks. I look up and smile. "Hi daddy. How are you?" I ask, smiling innocently. He chuckles before picking me up off the ground. "What are you doing? I figured you'd be with your friends." He says, looking around for them.

Uh oh! What do I do? I can't tell him I was in the Green Houses. Off the top of my head I make up some excuse. "I was retrieving my book I had left out here after breakfast. My friends and I were out here earlier and I forgot about it afterwards." I say taking out my charms textbook. He nods. "Well go on inside okay? It's getting chilly and you don't have on a jacket." He says. I nod and race back inside.

Quickly placing the leaves in a container that I conjured up, I walk into the Great Hall for lunch. "Hey guys!" I say, sitting in the empty spot between Neville and Rigel. They all smile and Neville kisses my cheek. "Did you get them?" Rigel whispers.

I nod and pat my bag, signaling that they were in there. Harry catches my eye and I nod causing him to smirk. After lunch my friends and I all split up. Hermione goes to the library, Seamus and Dean go who knows where, Harry and Ron go to the common room to play chess and Neville, Rigel and I are in the Room of Requirement.

I'm sitting on a couch and my feet are in Neville's lap. Rigel is sitting in a chair beside me. I'm reading out of mums journal when something catches my eye. I re-read the entry and smile.

Today Wormtail, Moony, Padfoot, Prongs and I made a map that shows the entire castle, and everyone in it. It shows all the secret passageways around the castle, and to hogsmead. Since the five of us are the Marauders, we named it the Marauders Map.

"Guys! I just found something amazing in mums journal!" I say. I re-read the passage to my friends and their eyes widen. "Do you think the map is still here?" Rigel asks. I nod.

"Yeah, and I have an idea of who has it." I say before standing up, kissing Neville quickly and giving Rigel a hug. "See you guys later." I say before taking off out of the Room of Requirement.

I get back to the Gryffindor Common Room and smile at the Fat Lady. "Hello Miss Lady." "Hello Miss Princess. Would you like in?" She asks. I nod and she opens her portrait. "Thank you." I say before entering.

"GRED! FORGE!" I shout. They appear in front of me. "You bellowed princess?" They say in unison. I smile. "I've got some business with the two of you." I say. They nod and allow me to lead them into the Royal Common Room. "Now princess, what do you need? Someone pranked?" They ask.

I shake my head. "I was wondering if you two have a certain item called the Marauders Map." I say. They look at each other and nod. "Good. May I see it?" I ask. Fred stands and pulls a blank piece of parchment out of him pocket. I pull out my wand and put it on the parchment. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." I say clearly.

Soon printing comes up on the parchment. Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs and Pixie are proud to present The Marauders Map. I gasp and open the parchment seeing the grounds, corridors, classrooms, offices and secret passages. I search for my dad and see he's sitting in his office.

"How do you know about this?" George asks. I smile up at them. "Let's just say I'm the daughter of two of the marauders." I say. Both boys gasp. "Pixie obviously but who's-" Fred starts. "-your dad?" George finishes. I shrug.

"Figure it out boys. Now, here's the plan I have." I whisper to them. "The second Hogsmead trip is in December. Harry is more than likely going to sneak out since his permission slip isn't signed. With this, the two of you can see where he is. I want you to catch him and give this to him. Tell him not to tell Hermione and Ron okay?" I tell them. They nod.

"Great. Also, you wouldn't happen to have any Puking Pastels would you?" I ask.


Here's another update for you guys!

xoxo Potterhead0227

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