Chapter 9

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Today there was a Hogsmead trip. Neville and I were going together and I had a feeling Harry was going to sneak out.

I get a pair of black skinny jeans out of my closet along with a grey and burgundy long sleeve shirt, a red sweater and white boot socks. To finish the outfit off, I pull on my knee high boots and place a black beanie on my head. I quickly brush my teeth and make my hair white before heading downstairs where Neville was waiting.

He grabs my hand and we head down to the great hall to grab some muffins to eat on the way down

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He grabs my hand and we head down to the great hall to grab some muffins to eat on the way down. I grab a banana nut one and he grabs a mixed berry one. We eat them as we walk down to the courtyard where Filch and McGonagall were collecting permission slips.

After handing ours to them, we walked off hand in hand. "Where do you want to go first love?" Neville asks me. "Honey dukes?" I say. He nods and we head into the direction of the sweet shop. We sit down at a table by the window and Seamus, and Dean come join us.

Neville is licking a red sucker when it is yanked out of his hands by an invisible force. I frown at the sight before realizing who it was.


I grab Neville's hand and pull him out of the Honey Dukes. We follow the footprints left by Harry and they lead up to the Shrieking Shack.

We stumble as we run into the back of Harry as he had stopped by a huge tree and watches Hermione, Ron and Rigel. "It's known to be the most haunted building in Britain. Did I mention that?" Hermione asks the boys. They both laugh. "Yeah." Ron says. Then out of nowhere, a oh so lovely voice is heard.

"You three shopping for your new dream home? Bit big for you isn't it Weasle-bee. Doesn't your family live in, ah, one room?" Draco asks, causing his goonies to laugh. "Shut up Malfoy." Ron mumbles. "Ohh, boys, I think it's time to show Weasley, how to respect his superiors." Draco says, fixing his jacket.

"I hope you don't mean yourself." Hermione says, as her and Rigel step in front of Ron, Hermione slipping on snow. "How dare you talk to me! You filthy little Mudblood!" Draco says loudly.

Harry, Neville and I all grab snow and make three snow balls before launching them at Draco and his goons. I turn to Neville. "Stay here. I'm going to help Harry okay?" I say. He nods and I turn invisible before going over to the group of Gryffindors and Slytherins.

I grab Draco by his legs and pull him towards the Shrieking Shack. He starts screaming and I drop his legs. "Move!" Draco says, pushing Crabbe out of the way. Hermione, Rigel and Ron are laughing. I pull Rigel's hat off of his head and Harry messes with Ron's. "Harry! Joesy!" Hermione says. "Neville, you can come out now." I say when I become visible again. We laugh for a couple minutes before walking back up to Hogsmead.

"Look who it is, Madame Rosmerta. Ron fancies her!" Hermione says. "That's not true!" Ron says alarmed, his face bright red. Suddenly, Fudge comes out of the carriage. "Ah! Madam Rosmerta. How are you?" Fudge asks. "I'd be better if the Ministry wasn't sending dementors into my pub every other night!" Rosmerta says, shaking her wand.

"We have a killer on the lose!" Fudge says. Fudge, McGonagall and Rosmerta go into the pub as soon as Rosmerta says "Sirius Black?" Harry looks at Rigel and I before he puts his cloak on and I grab Rigel's hand making us invisible as well.

"Harry, Joesy! Rigel!" Hermione says, as her, Ron and Neville try to follow us. "I say! No underage wizards allowed in today. Shut the damn door!" The shrunken heads say as Hermione, Ron and Neville try to get in. "So rude!" Hermione says.

We get to the door that they had shut and open it slowly. All of us go in and Fudge shuts and locks the door. "Now tell me about Sirius Black." Rosmerta demands.

"Years ago, when Potter's parent's were marked for death, do you remember? They went into hiding. Few knew where they were. One who did was Sirius Black. And he told You-Know-Who!" Professor McGonagall says. By now, Rigel and I had gotten under the cloak with Harry so we could all look at each other. Harry and Rigel look at each other in shock.

"Not only did Black lead You-Know-Who to the Potters that night, he also killed one of their friends, Peter Pettigrew." Fudge says. "Peter Pettigrew?" Madam Rosmerta says.

"Little lump of a boy, always following after Sirius Black." Professor McGonagall says. Madame Rosmerta nods her head. "Oh, I remember him. Never let James and Sirius out of his sight. But what happened?" Rosmerta asks.

"Well Peter Pettigrew tried to warn the Potters, and might have managed to if he hadn't run into an old friend." Professor McGonagall says. "Mhm, Sirius Black." Rosmerta says. "Black was vicious. He didn't kill Pettigrew, he destroyed him. A finger. That's all that was left, a finger. Nothing else." Fudge says while poring some wine into a glass goblet.

"Sirius Black may not have put his hands to the Potters, but he's the reason they're dead." Professor McGonagall says. "And now he wants to finish what he started." Fudge says.

"And that's not the worst of it." Professor McGonagall says. "What could be worse?" Rosmerta asks. "Sirius Black not only left his only son behind, but he is still to this day, Harry Potters godfather." Professor McGonagall says sadly. Harry heard this and runs out the door, leaving us behind. My eyes widen as I hurry to grab Rigel's hand turning us invisible again before the adults knew we were in here.

We get out of the pub and follow Harry's footprints back into the forest. When we are out of view, I take the invisibility off. Hermione, Ron and Neville come up behind us. Hermione and I go up to Harry and pull off the cloak. When it's off, a crying Harry is reveled. "Harry what happened?" Hermione asks.

"He was their friend. And he betrayed them. HE WAS THEIR FRIEND! I hope he finds me. Cause when he does, I'm gonna be ready. When he does, I'm gonna kill him." Harry says. I look over at Rigel and he pales. He runs off and Neville and I chase after him.

We finally catch up to him when we get back to the castle. "Rigel? Are you okay?" I ask. He shakes his head. "How can he talk about him like that? Sis you know the truth. You know dads innocent. Your mums journal said so. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL HIM?" Rigel yells. My eyes fill with tears. "I'm s-sorry. You k-know its s-still hard t-talking about stuff like that! YOU KNOW IT STILL HURTS!" I say before full on sobbing. I look back to Neville before taking off to the Room of Requirement.

I get to the room and lock the door so Neville, Rigel or anyone else can't come in. There's a bed in the corner so I collapse on it, sobbing. Patronus! I can send one to dad!

I pull out my wand and think of the happiest memory. "Expecto Patronum!" I chant. My winged wolf comes out of my wand. "D-dad, I n-need you. I'm I-in the R-Room of Requirement." I say to the patronus before sending it off. I take the lock charm off so dad can come in when he gets here and lay back on the bed.

A couple minutes pass and soon dad comes rushing into the room. He takes one look at me sobbing and rushes over. "Oh princess." He says before pulling me into his lap.

Hello my readers! I hope you enjoy the chapter :) Comment and vote afterwards.
Love you all,

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